Had This On Phone
Tuesday, 30 November 2010 | 2:55 pm
The reaction:
*DED*Of course That Other Team won. So many obvious reasons. Also, I believe in jinxes and tell-tale signs. Choose your words more wisely, Cris, honestly. Moreover, Valdes is a beast. Always has been. Always will be. He's one hard MF to bring down. And I wish I hadn't changed my opinion about him. Oh, the power of photo shoots. Boo.
One of the tell-tale signs: I made a t-shirt with the leftover paper clay I used for my second inedible cupcake yesterday (better colour shades this time - victory!), which I then decided, on the spot, to be a jersey. One thing led to another because I thought immediately of number 3 and it wasn't Pepe I had in mind. God no. It wasn't him. I'm such a traitor, I know.
I had a bad feeling when I cut out the number 3 from the paper clay like it was a fucking icing. I was like, ''What is this?'' It felt like I actually somehow, in some stupid way, knew those Cules were going to be the happy ones at the 90th minute.
That Other Team played very well, defended well, executed well. On the other hand...
Casillas: Tsk. Ramos: he totally lost it, man. First Messi (
ehhh... he'll live), then Puyol (
Puyol? PUYOL?!) and Xavi (
wow) before being sent off. Ronaldo: fucking miserable. That shove you gave Guardiola was
not cool. See how Valdes was all up in your face?
RAGE. Benzema: WTF. Why,
Pipa, why? The rest: Sigh.
This Is Still NOT Sparta
| 1:45 am
Hyperventilate, first.
Then calm the fuck down.
Enjoy...for 90 minutes.
Stop for a Minute and SMILE
Sunday, 28 November 2010 | 7:03 pm

What is the wallpaper on your best friend's cell phone?
I have no idea. I've never fiddled with her phone.
Do you feel comfortable singing in front of others?
Not at all, yo.
What's your last bruise from?
It was from the dining chair. See, folks, always watch where you're going.
Do you cut your own hair?
No, but I have before.
Are you excited about anything?
Oh yes. It starts at 4 am, though.
Do you have random/weird dreams?
Frequently. I'd always wake up with a WTF moment.
What is the last dream you remember having?
My family and I sitting with The Special One during a match. So whacked.
Don't you love it if you're laughing really hard, and your face starts hurting?
Yes. That tells me I'm having a good time.
When will you be 21? If you already are (or older), when did you turn 21?
Eh, this coming January.
What's your favorite thing to do in the summer?
Stay out of the sun.
How about fall?
We don't get Fall around here.
When's the last time you fell/tripped?
I almost tripped over Baby earlier. The idiot was preening in the middle of the kitchen.
Do you hate it when people kick you in the back of the knee?
OMFG. Yes.
How about grab your sides?
I'm quite ticklish so yes, I'd hate that too.
Do you like being tickled?
No way, Jose.
What was the last thing that made you want to scream?
I was playing WE 2o1o, and fucking Benzema was being a fucking idiot.
Do you melt butter to put on your popcorn?
No, because I don't need anymore butter.
Is today you're favorite day of the week?
Sunday isn't my favourite day.
Have you actually seen 'fireworks' when you were kissing someone?
I'd rather watch the fireworks, then.
Have you ever been so drunk that you don't remember the night before?
I've never been drunk.
Do you believe that people can be very crude?
There are crude people out there.
Have you ever found a four leaf clover?
No, but I've seen a keychain of it before. Or was it the three-leaf clover? It got me pretty excited.
Do you have a very clingy friend?
Not that I'm aware of.
Do you consider flirting cheating?
Well, if you're with someone, why bother flirting with other people? It somewhat feels like cheating, yes.
When was the last time you went bowling? Do you remember your score?
Hah. Last two years, if I'm not mistaken.
Does 'cowtipping' sound like a good time to you?
Does flipping the mattress over under you while you sleep sound like a good fun to you?
Have you ever been called a psycho?
Jokingly, of course.
Have you ever wanted to drop out of school?
Ah, yes. That was the messiest time of my life.
What's your favorite swear word?
Fuck fuckety fuck fuck fuck.
What do you always think about?
Big things. Small things. Irrelevant things. Just things.
How old will you turn in 2011?
21, yo.
Breakfast or lunch?
I don't do breakfast. I sometimes don't do lunch.
All the Lights in Town
Friday, 26 November 2010 | 4:39 pm

I could be in love but I just don't know.
Hey, Blog. I know I should change your skin. I know it's getting old and boring, and yes, I'm aware the year is coming to an end soon. Believe me, I wouldn't want you to be wearing the same skin as you had for last year's new year for 2011...or were you? Hell, I gave you a new name, didn't I? Yes. I named you after the cherry that committed suicide in Russia...or somewhere.
Well, Blog, to be honest, I can't remember just what took place at what timeline anymore, and really, does it matter now? You're right. It doesn't because nobody cares. But guess what, yeah, Blog? I can't find you a nice skin. No way, Jose. The problem is, I like the current skin on you, and I thought, fuck you it, I'm just going to have to revamp you inside out. If the code has any mercy on me, that is.
I'm turning the big two-one soon, Blog. How depressing.
Dear God, I want a Real Madrid jersey for my birthday. Pleeease?
I Would Be in Amsterdam. Still.
Wednesday, 24 November 2010 | 11:33 pm

I was watching Cake Boss earlier on. So maybe I was just staring. I had just woken up from a nap. Yes, a nap. I hardly take naps but for some odd reason, I felt awful. My head felt awful. Every fibre in me felt awful. So I woke up and realised that I had fallen asleep with another book as my pillow. Damn European fiction. But that's not the issue here. The issue here is this:
So Cake Boss was on. Have I told you how much I love baked goods? I especially love those adorable cupcakes with colourful icings. I probably don't love eating it as much as I love looking at it, though. You'd see me straying to the Culinary aisle in a bookstore and flipping through a book full of cupcake pictures - and swooning.
Then an idea struck me: make your own bloody cupcake, woman. Since I can't bake, I'll make an inedible one. There are some tutorials on how you can make a polymer clay cupcake, and it sure as hell looks exciting but I don't have that material and I'm not about to go out and buy it, either. I'm just going to work with my paper clay. And then paint it.
Let's just see how that will turn out.
Now I can stop feeling guilty about rotting away at home during my school vacation and not doing anything related to art because I told myself I can't laze around and forget about my graphites and sketchbooks and paintbrushes and that I should find some artists reference, be inspired and create because after all, school fees aren't cheap.
And it's a tough world out there.
La La La La La La Laaaaa
Monday, 22 November 2010 | 2:23 am

El Clasico on the 29th.
Not saying that I don't have faith but when CR said what he said, it worries me a little. Ay.
Anyway, words just can't possibly justify how excited and nervous I am about this.
In the meantime, I need some amusement. Lots of it.
Humour me, bitch.
Thursday, 18 November 2010 | 10:08 pm
Afellay joining Barcelona next year?
I don't know how to react - exasperated, frustrated or excited. Maybe someone feels guilty about my reaction to the outcome of van der Vaart's fate that this someone thinks by bringing over Afellay would make up for it.
It's working, but it has yet to be finalised.
So let's see.
Nyehehehe Part 1
| 6:35 pm

For the love of Voldy and Dark Marks!
Never mind the fact that you already know how the story will end, but you have got to admit, the second hardest part of this epic finale is actually having to wait for Part 2. In my head, next year feels like lightyears away. Sigh. But Part 1 was very entertaining - from start to finish, and the way how Snape made his first appearance outside the Malfoy Manor's gates, was so boss.
If only I could get inked.