Stop Motion Blahs
Thursday, 23 September 2010 | 10:17 pm
There's so much to do! A linoleum board is to be carved out by Tuesday. I've never done any sort of carving before and the lecturer wants it done properly. So I'm just going to give it my best shot while being
very careful about it because one mistake and that's it, yo. There's no undoing it and just one piece of that rubber-like thing costs close to $10. The pressure!
Speaking of which, we've embarked on yet another project for 3D Studies. The only difference now is that this project is 7-week long, which is the whole of the second semester. Why that long, you wonder. It's a big project with the dimension set to 2m x 2m x 2m. We're to come up with a sculpture relating to "nature & peace" and a whole lot of other criteria and the best part is this: the sculpture WILL BE EXHIBITED @ SENTOSA for 1 WHOLE MONTH. How exciting is that? We've only just started and are still brainstor
ming, throwing in ideas and everything.
I was generally in a good mood in Design Process class today. Got back my result for the critique last two weeks. That is to say the box that we had to do with theme Hear, See & Touch No Evil. I had fun doing my box. I really did but, of course, the process was a bit of a torture. I still have the step-by-step pictures on camera, and
I can't believe I did all that - and it was all worth it. Or so the grade tells me. (((((:
As for the portrait, which is based on my best friend Hajar, I didn't expect it to be well-received by the lecturer but it was. She found my cubism portrait "whimsical" and "quirky". She loved how I incorporated "west/east references" in it since HAJAR IS SO DORAEMON-OBSESSED. The Doraemon being the east reference while I thin
k the west would have to be the Cubism movement that the portrait was done in.
I did a "good job". So proud of myself. Hee.
Now I've got essays that I need to get started on.
Omigod, but I'm like:
I miss no. 5.
Last Salute
Sunday, 19 September 2010 | 11:57 pm
This sky will make me sick.
You've Been Tagged!
Saturday, 18 September 2010 | 1:58 am
I've never cared much about social networks. I'd open up an account, just for the sake of having one, but I'd be inactive. And when the time comes, I'll close it down. I don't like them, to tell you the truth but the reason behind that, I can't quite provide because it's still a mystery to me. I can't figure it out.
I don't know if it's due to the fact that I'm generally not very social with people; or trying to keep up to date with the ones on your Friends list is taking too much effort - in my eyes, at least; or the existence of these social networks is really unnecessary. I just don't like it.
But I got used to it. Sort of. I wouldn't say I'm super socially active now - just occasionally in the sense that I actually make the effort to remember to log onto my FB account just to see what's happened since my last visit. And my Inbox. As well as the Events tab.
And I've recently just truly seen the power (ahem) of photo tagging. I've found all of my relatives' FB accounts. Well, most of them. I didn't bother to ask if they have one (but of course they all do) because I know I wouldn't be logging onto my FB account that frequently because I CAN'T BE BOTHERED TO, but it's nice to know that they seek you out, and from there, you seek your other relatives out and before I knew it, we're all sought out.
Okay. When I first turned on my MacBook, I had no intentions of going online but the cursor strayed over to the AirPort button and then - DOOOOOM! I get sidetracked that easy. I'm just going to write now.
The best ideas always come so late to me.
Throw Ya Million Miles
Wednesday, 15 September 2010 | 8:26 pm

For the love of blue eyes and long lashes!
I've finally found the one track that I've wanted ever since I heard it. It's the "love at first listen" kind of thing, as with many of his other tracks. I don't know why but every time any of his tracks reach that exciting part, the climax or whatever, I get butterflies in my stomach. It's like they've burst out of the cage and are fluttering about. Then there's a warm sensation, some kind of a fuzzy heat, that spreads - the kind of feeling you get when you're proud of somebody.
Nyeh. I don't know what the hell I'm talking about.
I do know that I'm in desperate need for a pair of good headphones so I can commit these hard kicks and basses to memory.
And a new layout as well.