
Zee. 22. Singapore. Fine Art student. Procrastinator. Occasional insomniac. My favourite kind of gifts come in the form of books. Writing keeps me sane. Art keeps me busy. Music is universal. Europe is the place to be.

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Wait - WHAT?
Saturday, 26 June 2010 | 8:46 pm

My desktop background for the, er, next several weeks. My father diagnosed me with an Argentine Fever so I might as well dress for the occasion, so to speak. Just two days ago I was caught in a dilemma over the spread on the cover page, and guess what I found on the chips rack outside the store?
I didn't take these, of course. It was some other (local) person. Guess which one I bought, though. I'll be buying the other one soon. And no, I haven't heard of the brand before but the reason behind my purchase had been not about the content of the bag - it's the badge on it because I'm sentimental like that, damn it.

Oh, and stated on the bag is: Product of Spain.

I was smiling, but then the image of the Jabulani rolling past Casillas flashed before my eyes, and I frowned just a little bit, and then it perked up again because of my new iPod earphones. Now I can really hear the bass thumping, compared to the old one. That big four-eyed bastard. He is never ever going to be off my blacklist.


I spent a whole lot of money today.


Away Away Away
Monday, 21 June 2010 | 10:20 pm

Lucky number 7.

It's a really nice number. It's sharp, edgy and oh so dangerous. I do pity the other team, though. Imagine the atmosphere in their dressing room right about...yeah - now.

I'm watching Benaglio doing acrobatic saves at where he does it best. His eyebrows are comically scary. Oh well.

2:30 AM is still a long way away.

Smile, Fly and Be High
Thursday, 17 June 2010 | 11:00 pm

I a d o r e this guy. He made me smile, made my heart thump with anxiety and anticipation, and he almost brought tears to my eyes, but most importantly, he made my day - by scoring all three goals against S. Korea. The first one had been an own goal, but hey, a goal is a goal and it's 4 - 1 at the final whistle and I was gleefully high. If that makes any sense. That had been the feeling. I was so delighted I started laughing and crying at the same time.

Of course, Ma thought I was just "crazy", and Dad, well, Dad knows very well why I was acting "crazy". He, after all, watched the match with me and I made it obvious to him that I was with Argentina since the their first match because of Higuain.

Forget Sao Paulo, it's Buenos Aires I want to visit.

Or maybe just Madrid, and visit Santiago Bernabeu.

You Know What Is
Sunday, 13 June 2010 | 12:42 am


Yes, part of the reason why I look forward to Argentina matches.

Or Real Madrid.

Someone needs to lend him a shaver, though.

Fly, Goddamn It, Fly!
Saturday, 12 June 2010 | 2:53 am

When I woke up this morning, I felt good. I told myself, "Nothing is going to piss this feeling out of me", because
  1. the obvious: it's Friday
  2. FIFA World Cup 2010 is here
but hey, who was I kidding? I'm talking about me here. It doesn't take much to put me in a foul mood, and something did piss the good feeling out of me over the course of the day. Several things, in fact, but due to the high possibility that I'd be seething (again) just typing them out, let's not get into it.

So! It's a draw for South Africa and Mexico. That Santos was on fire. Well, he was to me, anyway. The stadium was unbelievably noisy. I hated those bee-buzzing sound those horns were making but hey, that's the atmosphere. So deal.

Was it just me or was there a Brazil flag flying in the seats? I swear I saw it. I told Dad and he was like, "Maybe they thought it's Brazil playing" because when I was watching the match, I had to remind myself that this isn't Brazil, this isn't Brazil, because of the colours on the jersey of South Africa.

Then he came up with a more reasonable probability: "They're taking a dig in..." and the sentence never got finished, but I got the gist of it.

A revelation some time during the match: Dad hates team England. Well, better them than Spain. Funny how we sort of bond over a game on TV.

When it was all over, said and done, I was sad.

I want to go to South Africa.

Preferably on June 16.

Thanks to Dad, I'm now watching Uruguay playing against France in my bedroom. Par-tay! It's the second half now, 55th minute and still nil. Obviously, I'm not paying much attention since I'm typing this up but from what I've seen, Uruguay's goalie can fly.


You Like to Move It! Move It! Ahem.
Wednesday, 2 June 2010 | 10:55 pm

Grito Mundial, on the first listen, was thought to be a fun song by yours truly. Funky. Interesting. It's the kind of song that puts me right in a good mood. So good, in fact, that I have images in my head: motion pictures with a whole spectrum of colours involved in the sweltering heat of, uh, some tropical setting.

Now, I'm not a tropical kind of person; I'd rather stay in the shade than be soaking up the sun by the beach with beautiful palm trees and azure waters, but, wow, I almost cried. The pictures in my head are that heart-wrenchingly beautiful. Like, I actually want to be physically there.

On the second listen, though, I appoint Brazil to be this tropical setting. Don't ask why. After having heard the whistles and the deep, heavy thumping of what I imagine to be big drums that are used during street parades in, eh, South America, I realise that this song has a football atmosphere going on. And of course it's about football, as confirmed by the music video. FIFA World Cup 2010, yo. Just go to Wikipedia.

And God only knows why I'm seeing Brazil whenever the song comes on the iPod. I mean, why Brazil, right? The song could very well paint Argentina or Spain or even fucking Portugal in my head but no, yellow and green have to just washout every other colour in these images and dominate.

Maybe they'll win this year?

Anyway, all this images and seeing Brazil and listening to the song makes me want to add Sao Paulo to my Places to Visit list.