Halves of Two Wholes
Friday, 30 April 2010 | 11:08 pm
I just can't make the connection or why it has come to this: whenever I listen to Thom Yorke sings, I see John Terry in my head.
Cigarettes Are My New Best Friend
Saturday, 24 April 2010 | 10:12 am
It's funny. I was thinking of touching on the subject of smoking when I went over to Dorky's blog and saw that she was talking about the same thing. Hm. Haha. Yes, Dorky, at the rate these people around us are puffing, our lungs are more likely to give up on us, the non-smokers, first. Bastards.
Really now. In the morning, even before I'm fully awake, already I'm breathing cigarette smoke, full credits go to my father and brother. It's a different story entirely when I'm headed for work, or lunch, or breaks. That's the most stressing part of the day, by the way. Even when I'm in the comforts of - well, it's not mine but my parents' - home, those two are always puffing.
Can you really blame me if I'm tempted to actually start smoking?
I would if I could but since I've promised Dad I would never pick up smoking, I don't have much of a choice now, do I? Besides, he's put all faith in me that I wouldn't do that. Ever. Because I "don't seem the type to smoke" and also because I'm "very trusting".
I wish people don't expect too much from me. I tend to disappoint, and when I actually do, I tend to be mad at myself for it.
Hello Fancy Footwork
Wednesday, 21 April 2010 | 10:11 pm

Rawr. I like this.

My reaction upon seeing this: "So cute!" Of course, I'm talking about the colour. It comes in neon pink, as well, though, I'm seriously considering buying the yellow one. Or the pastel green. Oh! This is crazy. I want them all.
I know what I'd be splurging on for this month. Hee!
Oh, and books, too. I can't live without literature.
And birthday dinner for Dad. Wow.
We Were Happy in the Shades of Autumn
Tuesday, 20 April 2010 | 9:34 pm

There is a song whose words make the eyes see that the world is just divine. I am content as I can ever be.
So I totally forgot that my father is leaving tomorrow for a three-day fishing trip with his friends. To be honest, I'm having mixed feelings about this. Those poor fishes! But, hey, as long as he's not aiming to bring home a fucking dolphin, shark or whale, or any parts of it, I won't say anything. Speaking of which, he did bring home one years ago: a baby shark.
At the time, I wasn't aware about all the brutal huntings for fins, and seeing a dead baby shark in his fishing box, or whatever that thing really is called, was new to me. A baby shark! Dead! So I was thinking, "It won't bite if I touched it 'cause it's dead. I can probe all I want." And probe I did. Well, it was more of a caress. I ran my finger from the tip of its nose to the very end of its tail and back again. Then I felt the texture of its skin. I don't remember what it felt like, but I'm sure there was coarseness.
I won't be feeling up any shark ever again.
Heh. That sounded so wrong.
Oh! I was sad today because a butterfly landed on my bag while I was waiting for the bus to arrive without my realising it until I boarded, sat down and wondered, "What the fuck is this white thing?", and then when I knew what, "Why the fuck didn't you fly off?"
It was on the wall of bus number 10, right at the back, left side. I wish I had boarded off the bus with it. At least it would be outside. Now I'm all worried. Is it out? Is it okay? Is it alive? Did someone smack it dead? Oh God. It was all my fault!
Candy for My (Your?) Eyes
Sunday, 18 April 2010 | 12:10 am

I like neons - so bold, fresh and oh! So gleeful.
(I'm wondering if this is male or female...not that it matters.)
You Eff
Friday, 16 April 2010 | 10:29 pm
What the fuck.
Why is it taking so long? Approve already. I want to make the payment and get a bloody move on. All this waiting is stressing me out.
I Can't Taste You
Saturday, 10 April 2010 | 11:09 pm

Ignoring the fact that I had to come back to work this morning, on a Saturday no less, overall, the day was okay, though, I was irritable. Maybe it was the weather; maybe it was my throat and runny nose; maybe it was the people in the room - I don't know, but if that keyboard on my desk could talk, it would
talk about my unnecessary abuse. And I wish I didn't have to listen to myself think all the time. It's exhausting. And I wish that woman would stop saying mindless, annoyingly immature remarks about things to do with vomiting and stomach pains - not everyone is fucking pregnant, you old hag. God! I feel like slamming her head against the wall.
I worked and endured everything up to 3 in the afternoon, and then left with Ma to meet up with Dad and Sis for a late lunch. (And, really now, who gives a fuck if eating a meal at this hour is called high tea? We're not fucking English; we don't do that.) Even trying to decide on what to eat was tiresome. I always end up eating the same thing again and again, and all I can think of is that I may as well have cooked this myself at home instead of paying someone else to do it for me.
Hunger-satisfied, though still annoyed, we proceeded to several fishing stores so Dad could start looking around and survey some...fishing gears, I suppose. I saw disturbing pictures of random people posing with their proudest catch to date: a shark, a swordfish, and God knows what else. There was one that looked like a fucking whale, but it really wasn't, as Dad clarified. I can't remember what it's called, though. No interest whatsoever in this fishing business anyway.
Next stop: the Peninsula. My sister got another pair of skinny jeans. I didn't know what to get for myself so I didn't bother, until I reached Gramophone and remembered: Ninja Assassin. I also remembered that Bernard works there, and he was in the store today but I didn't say hi. Sorry! See you on Monday, hopefully.
After that we walked around some more and headed home. Ate Kimchi noodle for dinner which is always delicious. Yummy! And now I'm still a bit groggy and tired, wondering what else is there to do because I don't really want to sleep yet.
Static On the Move
Tuesday, 6 April 2010 | 10:23 pm

If only I could get a typewriter like that.
I'm tired. I really am. I wake up too early and go to bed too late. I listen to too much music that it has become to be just music, and that's sad because it's just another sound in the background. When they stop playing, there's a dreary, long stretch of silence in my head that automatically, though subconsciously, sets me into thinking about everything and nothing, which will then lead to my refusal of further thinking by going to back to music because even that makes me feel t i r e d.
And it will still just be another sound in my head.
Double You Ee Ten
Sunday, 4 April 2010 | 5:57 pm
Never mind the fact that I still do not know what an offside, offensive and defensive is really all about, or how to really control the strength of a kick to score (God knows how many opportunities I had of that one in one match), or what is considered a foul and an assault, or how to dribble the fucking ball and move with it in the direction I intend on going without the other team stealing it from me - I enjoyed playing Winning Eleven 2010.
I had a good laugh. So good that I had to pause and let it all out because the way I was playing it was outright ridiculous. I tackled pretty much everyone else on the field, making the referee pulled a yellow card on Torres, Benayoun, Carragher and Gerrard...and a red card for Kuyt. Wow, was I terrible. My brother couldn't take it; he laughed throughout every match. I couldn't even aim properly; the ball kept going over the net and disappeared amongst the spectators.
(Insert angry face here).
Vhat zhe Feuck?
Friday, 2 April 2010 | 1:00 pm
Waking up to Rain's Love Story in my head was one of those big WTF moments, especially after one of those big WTF dreams I sometimes get when I think too much just as I'm falling asleep. And the people in it were doing big WTF things like buying cherry pastilles and linking arms and spinning
up the concrete steps just outside the workplace laughing like morons. An even bigger WTF thing was they were shouting, "1".
I know: what the fuck was that?