
Zee. 22. Singapore. Fine Art student. Procrastinator. Occasional insomniac. My favourite kind of gifts come in the form of books. Writing keeps me sane. Art keeps me busy. Music is universal. Europe is the place to be.

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Nein. Nein. Nein.
Thursday, 24 September 2009 | 10:02 pm

Dear Basterds,

I'm watching you tomorrow.



Sunday, 13 September 2009 | 1:16 am

Somewhere in Germany, there is a town called Winterbach, in which Markus Last-Name-Unknown lives. Markus has the two-disc, limited edition HSB DVD, which he's put on eBay for sale, of course - up until Friday. Since my sister's friend placed an order for it with her eBay card (or something; I'm not quite sure about this whole eBay business), Markus e-mailed her the great news: The DVD's just been shipped out and is on its way to us. Imagine that. Straight out from Germany to Singapore. Oh, the distance - from one continent to another! Wee!

Now I'm just not sure what I'm more excited for - the DVD itself or the packaging.

I'm sentimental like that. Things like candy wrappers from Spain and Italy, wrapping papers from England, postcards from Osaka, bookmarks from New Zealand, keychains from Holland, a money note of Russian currency (and because it's money, my father took it), ticket movie stubs—and I could go down the entire list but let's not—they are all somehow a big deal for me. To think that these are the things made in so-and-so. Like I said, I'm sentimental like that; I just have to collect them instead of throwing out.


The bad news, however, is that we may have to wait for weeks. Understandable. We've been forewarned. It'll be just another thing for me to look forward to so as to keep myself contented enough not to think of how I'm trading my time for money, and yet without it one is miserable. What an oppressing matter for my head. Anyway, I'm keeping my fingers crossed - you'll never know what could happen between Point A and Point B.

Bleuhr. Bleuhr. Bleuhr. Bleuhr. Bleuhr. Bleuhr. Bleuhr. Bleuhr. Bleuhr. Bleuhr. Bleuhr. Bl—oh! I've got a new bag. Wee! It's black, it's leather (I hope it's NOT genuine; should have asked), with white stitching and golden (colour coordination, people! Should have used silver!) zips. It's got a removable and adjustable long strap, which is gre-a-a-a-t!

Fake not only gave her time; she gave me laughs, blank CDs (I'm yet to be burning. Hello, Kotler!), two unwearable wearable wears, and a bagful of I'mma-Give-You-Serious-Tooth-Decay-One-Day little devils. Sweets, I mean.

We ate dinner at the same Burger King joint where we forced several singled-out French fries to represent the members of A7x on the tray some years ago. We were fourteen, I believe, which very much explains the idiocy. If the DJ mentioned some posts back was a suspected lovelorn bloke, then that BK Server was a suspected hardcore fan of Westlife. Oh well.

I hope all goes well on Tuesday.


And Your Aryan Eye, Bright Blue
Sunday, 6 September 2009 | 9:32 pm

"Every woman adores a Fascist,
The boot in the face, the brute
Brute heart of a brute like you."

Sylvia Plath
Nazis-turned-zombies. Blood. Violence. Gore. Screams. Running. Throw bits of humour into the chaos and you'll have Død snø. It's Norwegian. That is to say: Dead Snow. Ha ha ha. Ahem. No, really - ha ha ha. The trailer is wicked, but that's just my opinion. Different people, different tastes. This is just too awesome. Nazi zombies! Brilliant.