
Zee. 22. Singapore. Fine Art student. Procrastinator. Occasional insomniac. My favourite kind of gifts come in the form of books. Writing keeps me sane. Art keeps me busy. Music is universal. Europe is the place to be.

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Counting Constellations
Tuesday, 27 January 2009 | 4:33 am

FACT: about the person you like.
He had himself confused with "type" once. Tsktsktsk.

WHAT: happened at 11:00 am today?
I don't know. I was asleep. Heh.

ARE YOU: wearing something you borrowed from someone?

WHAT: is the last thing someone bought you?
Sharpies! It was my money, though.

WHO: took your profile picture on facebook?
I do not have a Facebook account.

WHATS: your current problem?
My, uh, life is on hold, so to speak. I need to get back on track.

WHO WAS: the last person you saw?
My brother.

THE LAST: person you freaked out on?
Ma. Sorry, Ma.

WHERE: did you last go?
An open house. Gee. That was like...two weeks ago?

THINGS: you say a lot when you are mad?

DO YOU: delete people off of myspace?
I did that the last time.

FAVE: soda?

DO YOU: crack your knuckles?

HAVE YOU: cried today at all?

ARE YOU: ticklish?
You stay away from my neck and all is cool.

ARE YOU: happy right now?

WHO WAS: the last person you talked to last night before bed?
Ugh, funny story. Junior was making noise just as I was falling asleep. Annoyed, I brought him to the bathroom so he wouldn't be pissing in my closet. I got back in bed, huffing and cursing and just as my head hit the pillow, the doorbell rang - at 6 in the morning. So I went like, "Are you fucking kidding me?!" It was my Dad who just got home from his fishing trip and when I opened the door he was like, "You're not asleep?" I felt like saying, "Uh, no, Dad. I'm sleepwalking." Hell, people do ask stupid questions.

HAVE YOU MADE: a mistake this past week?
I don't think so.

DO YOU: miss someone?
Of course.

DO YOU KNOW: anyone with the same name as you?

WHEN WAS: the last time you really laughed?
Last night. It was hilarious.

HOW LONG: is your hair?
Past my shoulders.

DID YOU: have a nap today?
I don't take naps.

HAVE ANY: regrets?

DO YOU USE: an alarm clock?
When I need to be somewhere in the morning.

DO YOU: work?

ARE YOU: social or antisocial person?
Pretty much the latter.

DO YOU: have a tan?
Naw. I don't dream of having it.

WHO WAS THE LAST: person to disappoint you?
Myself, I suppose.

DO YOU TRUST: people?
Not really. I have trust issues among many others.

I was planning on going to the library but, oh, that's right, it's a public holiday. Grr!

Serenade Me With Your Piano, A.
| 3:38 am

  1. I'm bored at the moment.
  2. I'm indecisive about cutting my hair.
  3. I feel like baking cookies and mashing up potatoes and not eat them.
  4. Junior is pissing me off but staying angry at him long enough is almost impossible.
  5. Oh yeah, I have a code to edit and another layout to be made.
  6. Moneymoneymoney!
  7. I always forget to mention that I'm not available in July. Damn it!
  8. Hmm, I wonder if she knows she has to print the acknowledgement slip. Bah.
  9. I'm not that too fond of this girl because (a) she's like, what, the same age as me, bro? You sick bastard. (b) She is really like "one of them girls", and (c) I see you as a threat. Yes. I've got issues. Got a problem with that?
  10. Wow. Learning German isn't so bad - at all.

Well, Yeah, We All Miss You Like Craaazy
Monday, 19 January 2009 | 8:22 pm

1. Where is your brother right now?
I think he's still in court.

3. Name five things you did today?
Well, I played Shaiya for a bit. Read a story on Fiction Press. Helped someone with the online registration. Painted LA Pride on my bag. And now I'm in the middle of outlining the HU font + (4L). <3

4. Last person you text messaged?
Dorkface. Woohoo!

5. What kind of phone do you have?
Ugh, a Motorola.

8. What are you listening to?
"...'Cause every song is a fucking hit".

10. Eye Color?

11. Has anyone ever told you that they were in love with you?

12. What color are your bedroom walls?
Purple. I'm so sick of purple.

13. Do you have a chair in your bedroom?
A swivel chair at my computer table.

14. What are you doing tomorrow?
I have no idea but there's going to be more painting, fershure.

15. What should you be doing right now?
I should be writing but let's just allow my mind to thicken the plot for a little longer.

18. Do you get along with your parents?

19. Any pets?
Two cats.

20. Favorite band or music artist?
Scroll up and you'll see them. (:

21. Are you married/engaged?

22. When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings?
A few hours ago.

24. Do you play an instrument?
Gah! I wish.

26. Are you allergic to anything?
Silver! Grr. It gives me rashes.

32. Do you miss someone?
I miss Grandpapa.

33. Do you think they miss you too?
Well, he's dead.

34. How many credit cards do you have?
I don't have any.

35. Have you ever wanted to be a teacher?
Mhmm. When I was nine.

36. What is one thing you've learned about life?
Life is crazy-random.

37. Whats your favorite colour?
Candy red.

38. Is anyone jealous of you?
I highly doubt it.

39. Ever been stuck in an elevator?

40. What does your dad call you?
My name.

42. What does you hair look like right now?
Down and messy. I'm a mess right now.

43. Has anyone told you they like you more than a friend?

45. What did you last eat?
Ice cream on stick. Yum.

46. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
Naturally, it's a little of both.

48. Who was the last person you drove with?
Family and friends.

49. What are you looking forward to?

51. Do you have any tattoos?

52. What's your favorite drink?
Green tea!

53. Any piercings?
Yeah huh.

54. What do you want to be?
Whatever that I want to be.

55. What were your grades this marking period/term?

I'd So Physically Hurt You But...
Saturday, 17 January 2009 | 12:16 am

So! Let me ask you something.

Was your intention of asking about my result just so you could fucking rub it in my face how you got better grades than me? So you're better than me. Big fucking deal. You don't have to gloat and get all annoying and piss me off, do you?

Yes, we all know what a genius you are. Pfft.

And stop fucking prying. It seems to me like you can't take a hint. I didn't go after you, annoying you with questions like that so shut the fuck up already.


You've changed.

A Short List of Whatever
Friday, 16 January 2009 | 2:37 am

Dorky Thanks, girl, for putting our silly faces up on your blog. Not embarassing at all. He he he...and your gift! Those cherries are too cute. They make me smile like a psychotic on sugar rush. Thanksthanksthanks! (:

Fake You're another one, fool! Ha ha ha! Keep resisting. The Rocker is waiting...

Mom (or Dad?) I had a million dollars and I spent it all. Thanks for the birthday monehhh!

Conspiracy Bitch, thanks for the wish.

The Remaining Homo Sapiens That Shall Not be Named Thank you.

This Shit Will Fuck You Up
Monday, 12 January 2009 | 3:58 pm

Let me rant, motherfucker.

I guess you're just one of the many things that I just can't wrap my head around, no matter how many sessions we've been through. Maybe it isn't your fault. Maybe it's not mine, either. Okay, maybe I contributed like 20% of fault in this matter, 65% from that man and 25% from you, though I'd very much like to dump 100% on you entirely. But that's okay. I'm not that unreasonable.

2008. What a year that had been, huh? You know, right, how the year was like for me? Did I tell you? I don't think I did. But that's okay. You'll live without ever knowing it but god damn! Mistakes after mistakes. It's like a vicious circle, you see. And that man didn't make things any better. Annoying little fucker. We practiced on questions that weren't supposed to be solved by an electronic device - and we did because that annoying little fucker said, "They're allowed during examinations", which is kind of cool. And of course the questions were hardly a feat to solve because it's already easy.

And of course when the day comes, it was quite a head-scratcher for me. That was when the shit hit the fan. ...because that annoying little fucker was a dumbass. The questions staring back at me were, well, the first few ones were fun until I reached the later parts and I went blank. But that's normal, you see. I tend to blank out under pressure and I have this urge to break my pencils in half - but I didn't, you see. It was a mechanical pencil and I don't hurt my mechanical pencil. Period. Anyway, where was I? Oh, yeah. The questions staring back at me were nothing like the ones we've practiced on because, why, my friend? Those were from the old syllabus. Annoying little fucker! The one I was sitting for was the new syllabus.

I swear, I could have made it if I had taken the old syllabus but no-o-o.

And so I went home thinking, "Bitch, it's too late."

I never liked you, anyway and I've gotten my wish after all. (:

This Is How the Beat Drops
| 2:16 am

Q. First thing you did this morning?
A: Checked the time.

Q. Last thing you ate?
A: B is for bananas!

Q. What's something you look forward to most in the next 6 weeks?
A: Whatever.

Q. What's annoying you right now?
A: Someone's in jail.

Q. What's the last movie you saw?
A: The Dark Is Rising on cable.

Q. Do you believe in long distance relationships?
A: Naw.

Q Where is the last place you went?
A: I went home. Haha.

Q: Who is the last person you called?
A: Conspiracy.

Q: Have you ever been cheated on?
A: Naw.

Q: Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now?
A: I highly doubt it.

Q: Choose one to have (love, beauty, creativity)
A: Creativity.

Q: Do you wish on stars?
A: Naw.

Q: Does it work?
A: Ask someone who actually does that.

Q: Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?
A: Not at all.

Q: When did you last cry?
A: Whenever.

Q: Do you like your handwriting?
A: It's gone from super neat to careless cursive. So, no.

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: When I want to be but give me time to open up to you, yeah?

Q: Are you keeping a secret from the world?
A: I'm keeping a lot of secrets from the world.

Q: Who's bed did you sleep in last night?
A: Mine.

Q: What color shirt are you wearing?
A: Dark blue.

Q: Do you have any pets?
A: Two cats. <3

Q: What is the color of your bedsheets?
A: Navy.

Q: What were you doing at 9 last night?
A: On my way home.

Q: Last person you talked to:
A: Mom-meh.

Q: When is the last time you saw your dad?
A: Last night.

Q: Look to your left:
A: I don't waaant.

Q: Ever cried yourself to sleep?
A: I think so.

Q: Ever cried on your friends shoulder?
A: Never.

Q: Song that makes you cry?
A: I have no idea. I'm a concrete.

Q: Are you a normally happy person?
A: Sure?

Q: Is your self-esteem low?
A: It appears to be that way.

Q: What color are your eyes?
A: Dark brown. Black.

Q: Long or Short Hair?
A: Shoulder-length.

Q: Current Music?
A: Bree! Bree! by BrokeNCYDE. Wee!

Caught Inside Its Pages
Thursday, 8 January 2009 | 2:39 am

Is that a book you're reading or the bible, George?

which lead singer from a band would you have babies with?:
The very one with a butterfly tattooed on his neck.

who do you know that hates you the most?:
I don't deal with that shit.

what are the last two books you read?:
Maynard & Jennica; Lulu Meets God and Doubts Him.

what day did you last go to the dentist:
I don't know.

are you cold right now?:

what's your favorite band?:
Don't make choose. I have too many.

are you the kind of person that stands up for themselves?:
Not at all. I'm non-confrontational. So you'll see me walking away.

did you ever get bullied in middle school or high school?:
Fuck those boys. They teased me like crazy.

what would you do if you only had 24 hours to live?:
Say things to people that I meant to say but never did.

do you read your school's newspaper?:

do you like animals?:
I heart them all.

What are you doing this coming weekend?:
I don't know. Most probably getting new charcoal pencils. Yay!

Do you have homework that needs done?:

What color would you die your hair if you absolutely had to?:
Candy red, madafaka.

do you crack your joints a lot?:
I enjoy cracking my knuckles. It's fun.

what's the weirdest thing that you've dreamed about in the last week?:
Jeff - backseat - bloody murder.

do you know what they do to guys like us in prison?:
That was my favorite MCR song.

have you ever been pregnant?:

have you ever drastically changed your appearance?:

do you ever wonder what it would be like to totally change your lifestyle?:
I don't like change.

do you own an MP3 player?:
I had two. This is my third.

have you ever pirated music?:

do you like vampires?:
I like werewolves better.

what color is your english folder?:

do you have any nicknames?:
Of course.

do you own a cell phone?:
I do.

what are you thinking right this moment?:
Bree! Bree!

what kind of mouse do you have?:
Um, optical one?

do you own any small animals?:

Tuesday, 6 January 2009 | 4:55 pm

This has got to be the first graphic that I've made to come close to being messy. I stayed up the entire night doing it and then another hour or so after that editing the code. It took me so long because the editing program crashed several times, which I was so not happy about. But it was my fault, too. I did, after all, went on a downloading spree for The Sims 2, and combine that with the ever-increasing number of media files, textures, and icons, you get a very, if not somewhat, lagging computer. That's exactly the reason why I've uninstalled the game.

...and why am I even telling you this? No idea. Totally irrelevant.

It has this scrapbook-ish look going on, doesn't it? Or a calender, even. And wouldn't that be lovely, to have this as an actual 2009 calender? It will feature my many favorite artists. Now, that's an idea.


Someone's in jail. Boo him.

I dreamt that - what did I dream, again? Oh, about an article of Mr. P. who kills people in the backseat. Not that he does. (Or does he?) Yeah, I was confused, too. I remember brass knuckles was mentioned as well. I don't know. It's like two songs had merged to give me this "music video" in fuzzy black and white.

Oh, I just dream funny that it's not funny anymore.


Two-Double-Oh-Nine, Yo.
Thursday, 1 January 2009 | 6:35 pm

Happy New Year, you MFs.
