They're Packin' 9s; So Don't Even Try.
Wednesday, 31 December 2008 | 8:45 pm
What's the first thing you'll do when you turn 18?:
I've been there.Wheres the last place you went?:
The theater.When will you kiss the last person you kissed?:
I don't kiss.Do you find piercings attractive?:
I don't have a problem with it.When was the last time you saw snow?:
It was never.Who are your favorite people to talk to when you're down?:
God.Who was the last person you sat next to?:
My brother. We were eating.Do you smile often?:
Not often enough, it seems.Do you prefer an ocean or pool?:
Eh, the ocean. I mean, all that chlorine? No thanks.When was the last time you cried?:
Meh.Why is your relationship status the way it is?:
It's so much easier this way, I'm telling you.How long is your hair?:
Shoulder-length long.What color are your eyes?:
Dark brown. Black. Take your pick.Who do you dislike currently?:
These people sending me chain letters to my cell phone. Unbelieveable.If you could have something right now, what would it be?:
I want nothing more than sucking on a lollipop right now.Do you miss anything/anyone?:
Yes/I miss Grandpapa.Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles?:
Nah. I don't like my water bottles naked.If you were being chased by an alligator, what would you do?:
I'd run away. Duh. Unless you want to be its dinner.How many pillows are on your bed?:
Two and a bunch of teddy bears.What song are you currently listening to?:
The one in which J3T is feeling frisky. (:If you caught a significant other cheating on you what would you do?:
Oh, he's going to be on the other end of my wrath and then it's so over.What time did you wake up this morning?:
02:49 PM. Haha. Bitch, there was a par-tay!Do you have any cousins?:
Of course. I have many of them, all of which act like strangers with me.Can you imagine yourself living in a cardboard box?:
Sorry. I just can't.Who was the last person you talked to?:
I talked to my Mom-meh.What is the WORST subject they teach at school?:
Eh, Civics and Moral has got to be it. That was one subject I just couldn't make sense of.Where do you plan on living when you grow up?:
In a decent home with nice pieces of furniture made in Italy and paintings and framed photographs decorating the walls.Ever liked someone that you didn't think you stood a chance with?:
That has always been the case with me. Is someone on your mind right now?:
Yes. I wonder if he's still in Pasadena.Would you ever change for a boy/girl?:
I would change myself for the better.How do you feel about abortions?:
That's a life you're ending.Do you eat junk food everyday?:
Nah. I eat them occasionally.Have you seen anyone lately that you don't get along with but you said hi anyways?:
Ha! Just yesterday. How awkward.Who has your heart at the moment?:
I do.Are your parents over the age of 40?:
Mmhmm.What is your favorite color shirt to wear?:
Black. There are so many reasons to it.Would you change yourself?:
...for the better, yes.Have you ever changed your clothes while in a vehicle?:
No. I'm never in a rush to change clothes in a vehicle.What shoes did you wear today?:
I didn't go out today.Do you like hugs?:
Sure. It's comforting.Are you a loud person?:
Not usually but I can be.Would you rather trade lives with a famous person?:
Famous? No thanks.Are you ready to get out of this town?:
Maybe. Possibly even out of this country.When was the last time you went shopping?:
A month ago, I think. Or was it early this month?Where did you go shopping at?:
Converse. That pair is going to last for another six years.Where is your heart?:
Safely tucked in my ribcage. (:
Oh, I'll Grab Your Jacket. Don't Worry.
Monday, 29 December 2008 | 3:44 pm
{A} Do you have any tolerance for ABUSE?
I absolutely do not.{B} Where did you spend your last BIRTHDAY?
Eh, at the swing set in the park.{C} Have you used a CAN opener recently?
Yeah. Just yesterday.{D} What do you think of people who do DRUGS?
I'm not saying anything. They made a choice.{E} When was the last time you were absolutely EXHAUSTED?
When I had like less an hour of sleep. Wow, I was cranky.{F} Do you usually have much FAITH in people?
Not really. I get cynical.{G} Which is better: acoustic or electric GUITARS?
Electric is bomb. Hah.{H} Where is your HOME?
An apartment.
{I} Do you believe that everybody still has some INNOCENCE, or does it fade with age?
Everyone's got to have some innocence in them no matter how old. Right? RIGHT? Meh.{J} Have you ever noticed that girls seem to fall for JERKS a lot more than the "nice guy"?
No! Really? Hah.
{K} Would you consider taking KARATE lessons for self-defense?
Karate? Nah.{L} When was the last time you had a LOLLIPOP, and what flavour was it?
Oh! I so want a lollipop right now. I had it last probably early this year and it was cherry, biatch.{M} Do you know anyone who is a MECHANIC?
Uh huh. My papa.{N} How often do you watch/read the NEWS?
Rarely.{O} Are you OPEN to new situations?
Not really. It's going to take me some time to get used to it but I'll live.{P} Which is your favourite way to have POTATOES?
Eh, mashed.{Q} If you could ask your favourite celebrity one QUESTION, what would you ask them?
Just what is up with you and the butterflies?{R} What is the most RIDICULOUS thing you've ever heard anyone say to you?
No idea.{S} Do SPIDERS make you anxious?
They make me squeamish.{T} Walk me through your typical THURSDAY:
Wake up. Afternoon routine. Do chores. Write a little. Watch TV a little. Feed the cats. Have dinner. Write some more. Maybe get some reading done. Listen to music. Sleep.{U} Do you always use an UMBRELLA when it rains, or can you usually tough it out?
Haha. Usually when it starts to rain, I don't have an umbrella with me. So I just walk in it. Or wait it out. {V} Are you old enough to VOTE?
Not yet.{W} Do you get typical WINTER weather where you are?
Nah. Winter doesn't exist here.{X} Who was the last person you played X's and O's with someone?
Uh...that was a very long time ago. I don't know. Probably some annoying girl in class.{Y} Have you ever played YAHTZEE, with read dice or online?
Never.{Z} Would people describe you as a ZEALOUS person?
Run! Don't Walk.
Saturday, 27 December 2008 | 2:11 am
1. Have you ever broken your leg?
No, I have never broken my leg. What a question.
2. When drinking out of a cup, do you look into the cup, above the cup or somewhere else?
I look everywhere but the cup.
3. Your favourite author is:
Markus Zusak is my absolute favorite.
4. Have you ever gotten humped by a dog?
Haha. No, never.
5. Did you like the movie "Anchorman"?
Haven't seen it.
6. What were the last pair of shoes you bought?

7. If you had the ability to perpetually alleviate any pain on your body, what would it be?
Any kind of cramps, really.
8. On average, how many books do you check out every time you go to the library?
At least three.
9. Where do you go to rent movies?
I don't rent movies.
10. Do you have hairy knuckles?
No, I do not.
11. Do you own one of those pillows made out of beanbag material on the inside?
No but I'd love to have one. It's very fun to sit on.
12. Are there any fake plants or flowers in your house?
Oh, yeah. We have fake flowers everywhere in this house. My Mom's doing.
13. Does your school have a Veteran's Day assembly? Were you told to dress up in red, white and blue?
No and no.
14. Are there any future school field-trips you are going to attend?
Ah. I miss school field-trips. Gah!
15. Do you own any things that are based on cartoon characters?
Hmm. Let me
16. Does your family go all out for Thanksgiving?
We don't do Thanksgiving.
17. Does it bother you when you have conversations with 2 other people, because one person tends to get left out?
Oh, yeah, always.
18. Can you stand it when somebody copies off your classwork by asking you almost every question and looking off your paper? Have you confronted them about it?
No and no because I'm just a non-confrontational being. Besides, the only one at loss here is them.
19. Have you ever made a fake profile on a dating website?
Never. I have better things to do.
20. How many times a day do you refresh your MySpace homepage?
Like, never.
21. Do you know anyone who still wears Uggs? To school? Even when it's not snowing?
We don't get snow here.
22. Have you ever typed in 1337 form?
That's just plain annoying.
23. Have you ever tried to drink something but you missed your mouth?
24. Do your parents call you something like honey, sweetie or pumpkin?
They call me by name.
25. When someone walks past you do you look at them straight in the eyes?
Nah. I just don't pay them any attention.
26. Did you ever suck your thumb when you were little?
No. I don't think so.
27. How old were you when you lost your first tooth?
I have no idea.
28. Have you ever wondered what the people around you would think/do if you died?
29. Have you ever opened the film door to your camera and found your pictures overexposed?
Nah but I know someone who does that every time.
30. When was the last time you did that straw drawing thing where the person with the shortest straw lost?
Let's Laugh Ourselves Silly, Yeah?
Friday, 26 December 2008 | 2:18 am
Who is the hottest guy in the world?
Ah. That's hard.What are you listening to?
I Turn My Camera On by Spoon.What are you drinking right now?
My sorrows.Eating?
Nothing. I'm sleepy.Are you alone?
Yeah.Favorite superhero?
I don't know. Batman? Hahaha.Are you reading anything currently?
Lulu Meets God and Doubts Him.Are you single?
Hell yes.Does it matter to you?
It does not at all.Any fears?
Clowns. Heights. Oceans.What are you doing?
I'm doing this survey, fuckface.Bluray or DVD?
I love DVDs.Do you watch the news?
Eh. Sometimes.Any pets?
Two cats - one crazy and the other...well, he's sort of like my bodyguard that sucks at guarding.Do you text?
I do.Do you make straight A's?
Nope. There were Bs and Cs. And always one D.What are you wearing?
My pajamas. Sort of.Favorite word?
Fucker.How was your day?
It was okay. Thanks for asking.What do you smell like?
Cigarettes.What do you want?
And no. It's not because James Bond drives it. Or that a certain immortal has the fucking V12 Vanquish. Bastard. I wonder if it's in the movie. Hmm. It's because...well, a certain no. 3 Blacklist racer drove it, acted cocky throughout the race and I got the pink slip. I owned that bitch. Okay! That and because the car is a piece of art itself. Just look how sleek it is. And it purrs. How sexy. Did you know 6 of it were destroyed during filming of Quantom of Solace? I literally cringed. People need to stop doing that. You're breaking my heart.You like winter?
We don't get winter here.Any plans this weekend?
Eh. I haven't planned anything for this weekend.What pisses you off?
Definitely people who think they're the hot shit.Now that this is done what will you do?
Bury myself deep under my comforter and sleep!
Wall, I Love You and You Fell.
Monday, 22 December 2008 | 6:19 pm
"Gay" is my favorite word because it explains everything in an incomprehensible way. It's not very mature of a respond, not to mention downright stupid, but it shuts the other person up. It's like "gay" is the new code for "this conversation is over; shut the fuck up". But the other person don't realize it. There's a comeback for my saying it: "Everything and everyone is gay to you." I agree because it's true.
Sort of.
Okay. Survey time!
1. If you could have the singing voice of any human being (alive or dead) who would it be?
Christina Aguilera? Haha. Or maybe Adele. I love how there's a raspy touch to her voice.2. Do you enjoy looking at
It's one of my guilty pleasures.
3. Did you ever wear pantyhose?
I had no reason to.4. Have you ever given out plastic spoons for Valentine's Day?
This I don't understand. What's the significant of plastic spoons?5. What do you think of Sarah Palin?
She can go fuck herself, is what I think.6. Would your parents be okay with you dating someone of another race?
Totally, assuming that they haven't changed their stand on this matter.7. What's your favorite color Post-It note?
Eh. I don't have a favorite but I like blue.8. What is the grossest thing in your room right now (old milk, molded food, etc)?
Um, empty candy bags in my drawer? Haha.
9. Do you enjoy fall or spring more?
We don't get those here.10. Where do you see yourself in two years?
Most probably still being a student.11. Do you believe that the world will end in 2012?
Fuck that. It's not going to end in 2012.12. Why is NFL more popular in the north than it is the south?
I cannot possibly answer that as I myself have no idea why it is the way it is.13. What was your favorite playground equipment as a child?
I loved the swing set, yo. I still do.14. Is there a fan on in the room you are in?
Uh huh. It's practically fanning in my face and I don't know why seeing as how I'm cold.
15. Have you ever taken a survey outside?
Like, a survey you do on paper kind of outside? Then yeah.16. What is the most random thing in your line of sight right now?
I have no idea. How about Grandpapa's ashtray?17. Do you like to feel smart?
All it takes to make me feel smart is a pair of one of those sexy, librabrian glasses. Haha.18. Do you know your highschool's Alma Mater?
Nope. No clue at all.19. What do you think of the highschool dropouts that live on welfare?
I'm not saying anything.20. Does Christmastime excite you?
I'm only excited for the lights. They're so pretty.21. Do you ever feel guilty for skipping church?
I have no reason to be.22. Have you ever heard of Fannie Farkles?
Never.23. Do you like average surveys with the same, boring questions?
I hate it.24. Have you ever laughed so hard that you forgot your name?
Fake! Haha. She wasn't laughing, though. I think we were talking and then suddenly this woman came up to us and asked for our names and she had a memory lapse.
25. Where do you want to go right now?
I want to go to a lot of places but right at this moment, for some reason, I'm seeing Germany, particularly Berlin. And in Berlin, I'm seeing the Berlin Wall. But Berlin Wall is gone. I want to cry.26. Is there someone in your life that motivates you more than everyone else?
I can't say that I do.27. What do you think of Tina Fey's portrayal of Sarah Palin?
Ah. Tina Fey, I love.28. Do you ever have those camera whore moments?
Yeah. At some point, you ought to have those camera whore moments.29. What is your favorite flavor of Fanta?
I've never heard of a Fanta.
30. Is it soda, pop, soda pop, or coke?
I say coke. People are like, you want cocaine? (...)
...Appalling Realization, Anyone?
| 4:36 am
The question was this:
Would you marry someone totally nasty if they were a billionare? (You have to fuck them by the way.) And you know what my immediate respond was? I went like, yeah, if he was with the Mafia. So now I'm thinking just what the fuck is wrong with me. Nasty, I assume, as in demanding, controlling, deceitful and abusive. Not to mention heartless, cold and dangerous. Dirty. Hateful. Vengeful. And filthy rich. Well, basically nasty in every sense of the word which isn't nice at all. And why would I want someone like that, a nasty mafioso, no less, for a husband?
Trust me, him being a billionaire has got nothing to do with it.
I think I've been reading way too much gangster-related story where the woman get stuck in a loveless marriage with the gangster just because he has money and that he basically owns her. For some reason, that's appealing to me. I think? I'm not sure anymore. I confuse even myself...which reminds me of a conversation I had with Dorky involving kids. It went from "I don't want to have any kids" to "Okay, maybe I'll have one" to "Wait! But I want to have twins". Confusing, no? But back to me making my point:
So what, I get a kick out of the aggression and aggressivness? Is that it? Do I get a thrill out of it? How can I possibly even like the idea of it? That's just retarded. Life like that is hellish, hard, traumatizing, depressing - you get the picture. I'd most probably kill myself just to get out of it.
I've got issues.
Live This Fucking Lie
Thursday, 18 December 2008 | 8:34 pm
1. Have you ever seen the movie Hitman?
Yes, I have and it could be better.
2. Do you think you've seen a ghost?
I don't think I have.3. If yes, describe what happened
...4. What's the background on your cell phone?
Let's just say it's Jeff feeling frisky.
5. Are you usually the first to say sorry when you're in a fight, or the last?
It depends, okay? If I'm in the wrong, I'll fucking apologize.
6. What was the last alcoholic beverage you had?
I don't drink.7. Do you use iGoogle?
Nope.8. Are you a blonde?
I'm not.9. What was the last thing you cooked for yourself?
I fried some rice.10. If you had to draw a picture right now, what would you draw?
Someone said that Dennis is such an interesting character and I can't disagree. So! I'd draw his expressive face.11. Who's computer are you on?
The one in the living room. I suppose it belongs to nobody.
12. Have you ever taken medications that were purscribed to someone else?
You're not supposed to do that.13. Have you ever tried shrimp?
Yeah.14. Do you want to have many kids when you get older?
I don't.15. What is your favorite kind of oreos?
Eh. The regular ones.16. What really 'grinds your gears'?
Meh.17. What is your favorite Disney movie?
Meet the Robinsons. STFU.18. When is the next time you'll be going on a plane?
Who knows?19. Tell me about your dream last night?
I didn't dream.20. Have you ever gone on an online dream translator?
Sort of.21. Who's on your top friends on MySpace?
...22. What have you eaten today?
Bread. Gee. I'm so craving for a Mexican sandwich.23. List me everything that you are wearing right now:
You ask fucking annoying questions.24. If you got to marry one celebrity who would it be?
Derek Bloom.25. What was the last TV show you watched?
90210.26. Have you ever been out of the country? Where?
Yes - to the neighboring country.27. Tell me the last text you received:
Refer to answer number 23.28. What type of shampoo/conditioner do you use?
Sunsilk, bitch.29. What are your pet peeves?
When I'm eating and someone is trying to speak to me. Or when I have music blasted in my ears and someone is trying to speak to me.30. Have you ever given money to a homeless person?
I think I have but the memory seems so vague.31. If yes, did you feel like a good person afterwards?
I always feel that way after I've done some good deed.32. What is the worst thing someone could ever do to you?
Use me. So don't use me because I'll do worse to you.33. How tan are you right now?
Not tan.34. Have you ever been scubadiving?
Never had and never will.35. How about parasailing?
Never had and never will.36. What type of toothpaste do you use?
Oral-B.37. Do you often take online quizzes?
I waste my time of Tickle quizzes.38. Who was the last person you spoke to?
Ma.39. What is your biggest fear?
Failure.40. Do you have a pool?
Nope.41. A hottub?
Don't need one.42. Are you mad at anyone right now? Who?
Nobody but I'm mad and I'm not going to pay it any attention. I wish I had something to channel this anger to. It's rotting my soul.43. Who was the last person you dissapointed?
Eh. Who fucking knows?44. Who did you last kiss?
Answer number 23, yo.45. What color are the walls in the room you are in?
Pasty white. It's disgusting. Tiring. Dull. I could kill myself.
Wednesday, 17 December 2008 | 10:13 pm
So, the question was initially this:
Five different things you want to say to five different people. But, you see, right now I can't think of four other people I'd like to say things to despite the fact that I actually do. Like, a lot. So I'm just going to do one. For now. And besides, I honestly think that this man deserves this post all to himself. He really does. Though it's not much.
1. Sometimes I find that you're being too lenient with me. You keep giving me these things that I want but what about what
you want for the sake of me? You keep giving and I keep taking and I lay awake at night thinking how I'm going to disappoint you because I don't think I can give back as much. The values on those things are nothing compared to your affection for me since day one. I don't say this much but really, I wish I could but I'm just not comfortable with confronting you. So I'm saying it now right here. Thank you for putting up with me because I know it's not easy. And I apologize, oh how I truly apologize, beforehand for the many letdowns that are bound to happen in the near future. I'm
Text Says
Tuesday, 16 December 2008 | 1:15 am
"BTW, who is this?"
...and I wonder why I still have your number.
And I told
you we're not friends. This proves it, no?
You may keep wondering. I have the last words.
Have a nice life.
Like, OMG, Is That Charlie Scene?
Saturday, 13 December 2008 | 1:18 pm
I didn't see Charles P. anywhere. Now, wouldn't that be something? Mm. But I did see
Between the Buried and Me and, for some reason,
Jeremy Bryan, too. And
Batman who was fighting villains off with a click of a digital camera - and they actually died. How...bizarre is that? And, dude, I hate how Batman was in my dream. Someone might have mentioned Christian Bale right before I went to sleep or something.
Jeebus.Anyway, BTBAM was playing my favorite song. It was sick. I was happy. I stood up and went over to the edge to get a better view and then bam! Jeremy was playing the drums - for Sun of Nothing - which is a song by BTBAM. And he was the only one playing on stage.
I dream weird.
I must have watched too much behind-the-scene videos.
So, Ma told me a disturbing news last night. She has a friend who has a daughter who is the same age as me who is getting married today. That's crazy. I mean, why on earth would you want to get married at such a young age? For me, I'd satisfy myself before I even think about settling down. Of course, by satisfy I mean to accomplish the things I've set for myself in life. I don't know. It feels like by getting married at eighteen you'd be missing out on a lot of things. And the thought of being tied down at this age is ridiculous. I mean, just think about all of the things you ought to do for your husband: clean, cook, iron - eighteen?
But then again, she lives her life. Whatever.
Yeah, My Baby's Pretty As a Car Crash
Thursday, 11 December 2008 | 7:53 pm
Have you ever been hit by a car?
I was that close to being hit by a car. In fact, if the driver hadn't swerved, God bless her, by the way, for the quick reflex, I'd be part of the wreckage.Do you know anyone named Ferdinand?
No.Can I have it like that?
You got it like that!
Did you get the song reference in the last question?
Do you even like that song?
It's an okay song.
When's the last time you went on a roller coaster?
A long time ago when I was on vacation.
Have you ever seen the movie Office Space?
Can't say that I have.
What's your favorite country?
Moscow, Russia. It's oh so pretty.
How long have you been living in your house?
I think it's been 10 years now.Do you know your mom's godmother?
I don't think she has one.
When's the last time you flossed?
It's been a while.
Do you wear a watch on a daily basis?
No. My cell phone tells me the time.
What's your biggest pet peeve?
When I'm eating and someone is trying to talk to me. I really hate that. Like, can't it wait?What toothpaste do you use?
Have you had the chicken pox?
Yeah.What is the tv last show you watched?
Friends.Are you on an instant messenger?
Right now, I am.
If so, who are you talking to?
Dorkface AKA Dorky.
Are you a good dancer?
Meh. I don't dance.
Are you a man?
If so, what would you do if you randomly got pregnant, defying the laws of science?
...When's the last time you went to the movies?
When I went to watch, yeah, gotta be Sweeney Todd. So that was like back in February.
What movie did you see?
I just told you.Are you wearing socks right now?
No. If I wore socks in this house, I'd be collecting dust.Do you know any John Mayer songs?
A few.
What's your desktop background?
A shot of Derek and Chris playing on stage. I wonder if Chris ever get dizzy after headbanging like crazy.
What's in your purse?
Stuff.Do you crimp your hair?
No.What do you think of Laguna Beach?
The Hills is better. I think. Haha.
What do you think of MTV in general?
What happened to just playing music videos?What is your favorite magazine?
Discovery Channel Magazine!
Are you a Pisces?
No. I'm a Capricorn.
Did you go trick-or-treating this year?
No. I don't do that.Have you ever been to NYC?
No but I'd love to visit it someday.What brand of battery do you use?
How many house keys do you lose in a year?
I don't lose my keys except for that one time when my wallet got stolen. Stupid little fucker.
When was the last time you played a video game?
Months ago. I miss virtually driving.Have you ever spied on your neighbors?
No. Dude, that's just...stalker-ish. Not to mention creepy.
If you could kill one celebrity and never get caught whom would it be and why?
Miley Cyrus because she's fucking everywhere. And I'm sick of Disney "stars" becoming "singers". One after another, endlessly. It's crazy.Are you good at word searches?
I would say so.
Who's your favorite cereal box character?
I don't have one.
Oh, Yeah, You're the Boy With the Pretty Face.
Sunday, 7 December 2008 | 12:01 pm
This China-made optical mouse is seriously fucked up. It's a fucking rebel! It clicks twice when I click once. It pulls up the windows when I want them down. Sometimes, when I haven't even clicked; just hovering, it magically becomes helpful and does it for me. So I'll be sitting here, scowling and talking mad shit how technology is going to be the death of me.
My sister is, like, you
Fuck you.
In the spirit of Christmas:
Ho! Ho! Ho!I don't know what happened to me in September. For some reason I can't recall. I know that I was so sleep-deprived that I actually lost track of was I in October and November, that I totally forgot about Suicide Season - and how I had promised the girl on the album art cover that I was going to have her up on my blog. Bahaha. Yeah and that would mean I'm working on a new layout for mid-December to early January...or February 2009. I don't know. I can't tell. Maybe I won't have the time to do this shit anymore because...
I'm going back to school!
Yeah. I'm just the tiny bit excited now. Wait for the day when I wake up and think: what the fuck am I doing? Or something like that. It'll most probably be, like,
My favorite December expression:
Spazattack Part Deux
Friday, 5 December 2008 | 5:39 pm
It's not that I don't know about this; I do. It's just that I don't realize it, you know? It's hard to explain.
So, from now on, I will no longer eat:
- any type of cheese (rennet is an enzyme that is collected from the stomach of a milk-fed calf). Adieu, Cheddar. Adieu, Parmesan.
- gummy candies made with gelatin (= a protein produced by partial hydrolysis of collagen extracted from the bones, connective tissues, organs, and some intestines of animals such as the domesticated cattle, and horses) Adieu awesome candies. I'll switch to fruits.
Oh, hey, the Cab!
| 9:04 am
1. I burp alot
2. I'm sophomore in high school
3. I love green tea ice cream
4. I bite my nails
5. I'm in colorguard
6. I am oddly addicted to South Park
7. I love root beer!8. I can't live without chapstick
9. Music = LOVE10. I can eat with chopsticks11. I have an iPod
12. My favorite Disney character is Eeyore
13. I have a sister14. I've lived in California my whole life
15. People compliment me on my hair a lot
16. Cereal is my comfort food
17. I like a lot of different types of music18. I play piano
19. I have a boyfriend
20. I'm an understanding person
21. I wish I had dimples
22. I despise hair spray23. My favorite body part are the eyes
24. The only make up I ever use is eyeliner25. I have more than one best friend26. I have a pet27. My parents are strict
28. I'm Asian29. Cheesecake is one of my favorite deserts
30. I think beer tastes good
31. I like vodka
32. I bruise easily
33. I love watching the stars
34. I'm a pessimist
35. I'm random
36. I like making lists
37. I loooove surveys38. I love my friends with all my heart
39. One of my pet peeves are people who walk slow in crowds40. Speaking of crowds, I can't stand them (Only at concerts.)
41. I like to sing
42. I like urban legends
43. I enjoy reading44. Naps make me happy
45. Okay I admit it; I like cheesy love stories & love letters
46. I believe in soul mates
47. My birthday is in the Spring
48. I suck at playing flute49. I like naming things
50. I have too many stuffed animals51. Orchids are my favorite flowers
52. I'd love it if a guy sang to me
53. I'm allergic to real silver54. I cuss too much55. I have 2 first names
56. I love going to Hawaii
57. I often feel like an outcast even though I have friends58. Laughter is my drug
59. I've made out with another girl before
60. I'm a neat freak
61. I always carry hand sanitizer in my purse
62. I like necklaces
63. The only cake I like is cheesecake
64. I'm a grammar whore. So sue me.
65. I think that algebra is secretly a Nazi concentration camp
66. Racists piss me off67. I'm pro-life
68. I'm not too fond of politics69. I need to get a life
70. College scares me71. I'm afraid to fall in love
72. I'd die without my cell phone
73. I'd die without music
74. I'd die without oxygen75. I eat too much
76. I need to loose weight
77. I have a deep belly button
78. I can't stand my own voice
79. I have many scars
80. A dog bit me before
81. I've had to get stitches
82. I've watched a live human birth on TV
83. Sometimes
I'm terribly shy84. I think I have A.D.D
85. I have depression
86. I think I'm annoying87. I wear braces
88. Black is my favorite color
89. I sleep with a stuffed animal
90. I like my steak medium-well
91. I like blue & pink highlighters
92. Hand written letters make me feel special
93. I laugh at nothing94. The sunset makes me somewhat emo
95. I'm obsessed with cutting my split ends96. There's too many random facts about me97. I once brushed my hair using my house key98. I'm violent99. I wish I could fly
Tell Donna To Shut Up
Thursday, 4 December 2008 | 8:15 pm
1) Zombies took over the Earth last night… what do you do now?
What else? Go on a killing spree. Duh.
2) What does the word “Moose Knuckle” mean to you?
Nothing at all.
3) What’s your philosophy on pickles?
Pickle schmickle. I hate pickles!
4) If you were a robot what would your primary function be?
I don't know. Something fabulous.
5) What’s your favorite color, and what’s your favorite thing that is that color?
Candy red paint. Um...candy red paint job on cars? Haha.
6) What’s your secret spy alias?
Agent Ren.
7) What agency do you work for?
International Contract Agency.
8) How many ways do you know to kill a man? What’s your weapon of choice?
3,750 . AMT Hardballer.
9) When you give up your renegade life for the 2.5 kids what will their names be?
Dahlia and Isobel.
Where would you want to live?
11) Did it occur to you during any of those questions that that information is classified and I’m probably coming to kill you now?
Yeah. My front door's open. I'm waiting.
12) What is your favorite font?
Palatino Linotype is the bomb.
13) Would you consider yourself a nerd?
Nah. Well, to an extent.
14) Do you think there is a difference between nerds and geeks?
There is a difference.
15) If you were a super genius would you use your powers for good or evil?
Good, of course.
16) What would be your fist course of action if you found out that some catastrophe has made spandex the only fabric left on Earth?
Find some silk worms.
17) If you needed a wing man for a crazy dangerous adventure who would you call first?
Um, Z Stack. Haha.
18) Who would you call second when you guys realize the job needs more than two people?
19) What do you think would happen to humans if robots took over the Earth?
Hell. We'll become lazy and fat and living for no purpose.
20) Did you have enough imagination to enjoy this survey?
Sure. I loved the secret spy questions. Haha.
I Wish You Would Say Sound Factory Already!
| 12:50 pm
Have you ever noticed that a lot of potheads name their animals "marley" or something like it?
No, I haven't actually.
Whose myspace did you last look at?
The Blackout. : }
Are there some people that you just can't picture having sex?
Wow. That's hard. No. I can picture everyone doing it.
When's the last time you were in a BMW?
I had to be, like, ten years old. Haha. That was the trigger for my Beemer fascination.
Have you ever watched baywatch?
Am i the only one who seems to get a lot of subscribers on sundays?
I don't know. Maybe.
Speaking of sundays, do you check postsecret every sunday?
Nah. I always forget.
What color is your house?
It's an apartment building. Well, the color's cheery.
Last furry thing you touched?
My cat.
What color is your cellphone?
Black. I want no Razor no more.
Have you ever lost something when you had it on you the whole time?
Hahaha. Nah but I know some people who do that. It's hilarious.
Have you ever eaten yogurt with a straw?
Blah! I hate yogurt.
Ever worn a straight jacket?
Ever sat in someone's lap because there were out of seats in a vehicle?
Nah. It's the other way round.
Have you ever been attacked by a butterfly?
Haha. No.
Is love really blind?
I wouldn't know.
Is there a picture that you liked so much that you just wanted to jump in?
Yes! I wouldn't even think of coming back out.
What's your favorite kind of cheese?
Do you own any kind of yellow clothing?
What jewelry do you wear all the time?
Do you know anyone who lives in another state?
What color is your toothbrush?
When was the last time a package got delivered to your house?
Years ago.
What do you feel strongly about?
Do you ever have breakdowns?
I suppose.
What book are you reading right now?
I've run out of books to read.
Are you the type of person who likes to shave all the hair off the body?
I guess not.
What was the last song you sang along to?
Which bands/singers have you liked the longest?
Mm...FFTL, yeah?
Are you scared to kill spiders and roaches?
Would you consider yourself a people person?
Not at all.
Do you have both a loud side and a quiet side?
I'm loud at home. I'm just quiet outside it's deceiving.
How often do you get into arguments?
My siblings and I get into brawls quite often.
Do your moods change often?
Not often but it changes.
Do you ever get stared at?
Yes and then I get all mad crazy. I want to bitch slap the idiot.
How do you feel about oral presentations?
I'm a nervous wreck when it comes to that.
Do you like buffets?
Does winter make your skin dry?
We don't get winter here.
Seven Stitches, Chris!
Wednesday, 3 December 2008 | 2:00 pm
Soy sauce in the ashtray!
- - -I'm going to have to buy more blank CDs. Someone's been complaining about the decreasing free space on the hard disk. Bahaha. It's that and the fact that if I don't back up these files, I'm going to lose everything. So I'm going to need, like, twenty of those blank CDs.
Yep. Twenty.
Twenty!I want a fucking camcorder.
I Kissed a Boy
Tuesday, 2 December 2008 | 4:48 am
"...and homeboy was not about it."
Oh, Gabe.
Have I mentioned how awesome C o b r a S t a r s h i p is?