Check It
Sunday, 30 November 2008 | 12:25 pm
I drew butterflies on the inside of my wrist for the wrong reason. That and because I can.
- - -Your name:
( ) you like it ( ) you don't like it (x) you think it's okay
Your age:
( ) 13 or under (x) 14-
18 ( ) 18 +
You are:
( ) a child (x) a teenager ( ) an adult
You believe in:
(x) God (x) ghosts (x) evolution (x) life on other planets (x) Heaven (x) Hell ( ) conformity
You are against:
(x) abortion ( ) gay marriage ( ) sex before marriage ( ) different races ( ) religion (x) animal cruelty (x) fur ( ) eating meat ( ) school ( ) rules (x) poverty (x) racism (x) child abuse ( ) pornography
You are scared of:
(x) bugs (x) snakes ( ) life ( ) people (x) being alone (x) the future ( ) the opposite sex (x) confrontation (x) losing loved ones (x) death ( ) gaining weight (x) heights (x) fights (x) bullies (x) big crowds ( ) walking the streets alone at night ( ) the dark ( ) dogs or other animals ( ) depression
You like reading:
(x) books (x) magazines (x) poems (x) articles (x) quotes (x) other ( ) nothing
You enjoy:
( ) eating ( ) getting drunk (x) doing surveys ( ) dancing (x) going out (x) having great conversations with friends ( ) spending time with family (x) listening to music ( ) watching TV ( ) updating your xanga ( ) looking at icons (x) writing ( ) singing ( ) showering ( ) drawing (x) reading ( ) shopping ( ) sleeping
You hate people who are:
(x) conceited ( ) too happy ( ) depressed ( ) cautious (x) mean ( ) moody (x) bitchy (x) ignorant (x) arrogant ( ) sensitive (x) insensitive ( ) crazy ( ) outgoing ( ) popular ( ) shy (x) "emo" ( ) nice ( ) good looking ( ) stupid (x) annoying ( ) creative ( ) creepy
You are a:
( ) parent (x) friend ( ) significant other ( ) aunt/uncle ( ) niece/nephew (x) cousin ( ) lover (x) hater ( ) fighter ( ) survivor ( ) bully ( ) nerd ( ) goth ( ) skater ( ) prep (x) unlabeled
You go to:
( ) church (x) amusement parks (x) parks (x) friend's houses (x) malls (x) movie theatres ( ) skate parks (x) the streets ( ) middle school ( ) high school ( ) college/university
You wish you had:
(x) a better body ( ) a better face (x) more confidence (x) a significant other (x) more self-esteem (x) more guts (x) more clothes (x) more electronics (x) more knowledge ( ) more experience ( ) your virginity ( ) your innocence (x) strength (x) guidance (x) luck (x) power (x) money ( ) integrity (x) motivation (x) more/better friends
You like to watch:
(x) movies (x) music videos ( ) reality shows (x) comedies (x) documentaries (x) series ( ) competitions ( ) countdowns ( ) awards shows ( ) soap operas (x) real stories ( ) walls
You have a:
(x) cellphone ( ) laptop ( ) big screen TV (x) sister or brother (x) printer (x) designer purse ( ) magazine subscription (x) iPOD/mp3 player (x) stereo ( ) pool ( ) big house
You don't like your:
(x) weight ( ) height ( ) eyes ( ) glasses/braces ( ) teeth ( ) smile/lips ( ) nails ( ) feet (x) stomach (x) thighs/legs (x) arms ( ) overall appearance
Your goals are to:
( ) get a diploma ( ) finish college/university (x) land a great job (x) get paid a lot (x) get married ( ) have kids ( ) have grandkids (x) be happy (x) make a difference (x) get published (x) live life to the fullest
Your most occuring emotions:
(x) sadness (x) happiness ( ) guilt (x) confusion (x) anger (x) moodiness ( ) depression ( ) excitement (x) nervousness
You care about:
(x) animals ( ) the environment (x) what people think of you (x) your appearance ( ) technology (x) pollution ( ) politics ( ) school/grades (x) friends (x) family ( ) TV ( ) world issues
I Want You To...
| 1:02 am

I've got a new blog.
might leave
thirteenthshadow but at this point, it's still undecided.
So anyway my Dad left for the ferry this morning. As usual, he was late. Heh. Can't blame anyone, really. I mean, this family has a lack of communication. Besides, he should have woken up himself. Is that not what the phone alarm for? So then he woke up all cranky and was rushing around the house gathering his things. I can see where I get my crankiness from. Ma never wakes up cranky. She's like this freaking ray of sunshine, always happy and singing and making unnecessary noises in the morning.
I could tell her to shut up but I won't. I resort to cursing into my pillow instead. I know, that is oh so healthy.
I'm going to get my money back some time next week. Ma says so. I better get it back. I have things to buy like, well, it's between my best friends and I. Oh, and bags; white canvas bag and cherry print bag. And that little birthday treat for myself (I'm having second thoughts). Um...what else? Oh, mask. But that's not important. Oh, shoes! But Dad's going to pay for that. Hahaha. How 'bout them red highlights?
Okay. Dad is going to freak out.
Where You At, Tailor?
Saturday, 29 November 2008 | 2:09 am
I'm running with scissors.
- - -I need a new pair of shoes.
My new pair of pants is retarded. It's retarded because it's two sizes too big. It's two sizes too big because I was so confused. I was so confused because he kept throwing pants at me. I didn't want the boot cut, the skinny was fugly and the straight cut was cool with me. But it's two sizes too big because, oh, yeah. This is just it: the tailoring sucks monkey faeces. Thanks, Mr. I Like Getting In My Customer's Faces.
I think I'm only going to be happy if I have
everything I'm ever going to wear tailored and perfected. It's just so frustrating. Nothing's ever snug or comfortable or long enough for me. I'm always adjusting my pants - tugging it up or pulling it down. And that's just the pants. Don't get me started on tops. Or shoes. Son of a bitch. I'm tired of this shit. Not everyone is pixie-sized small, fucker. Or slim and slender. Some are big and fat. Some are full and curvy. Some are simply gigantic.
Dad says I need a tailor.
So where's Mr. Tailor?
You Give Me Chills
Thursday, 27 November 2008 | 8:53 pm
So, I really wish I could give you a hug and make it all better for you, but as it is with hugs, it doesn't do shit. Well, maybe make you feel a little bit better but that's not enough now, is it?
- - - When you cook a piece of toast, which side of the toaster do you put it in?
Whichever side I want to put it in.
Do you sing along to music?
Mm. Only when it's that band.
If so, chorus or the main singer?
Mainly chorus and sometimes parts of the song.
When was the last time you washed dishes?
Heh. Must have been last week. My sister does it now.
Washed a dog?
What did you have for supper last night?
I ate a Swiss roll.
How old were you when your parents told you the truth about Santa?
I never believed in Santa actually.
Do you think Pepsi is better in the bottle or can?
I didn't know there's a difference.
Have you ever shot an animal?
Gee. Never.
What was the last song stuck in your head?
That Girl. Hahaha. It's a song that makes you want to go la la la, I'm happy, life's good; so fuck you!
Have you ever talked to a pinecone?, no.
What was the last thing you put on your head?
What color is your cell phone?
Have you ever put peanut butter on the roof of a horse’s mouth?
How about a dog?
What type of deodorant do you use, assuming you use one?
It varies.
Last show you watched on TV?
90210. Sort of.
What is the best flavor of Jelly Bellies?
I love everything red.
Have you ever body surfed at the beach?
Hahaha. No.
What is the strangest thing you have ever found?
I can't think of one right now.
Have you ever said, “Brontosaurus Blubber butt”?
Name one character from the Simpsons.
Name one character from King of the Hill.
Bahaha. I can't stand it.
Do you wear mirrored or regular sunglasses?
I just don't wear sunglasses.
What is the best candle scent?
I don't know the exact name of the scent.
Have you ever stirred up a fire ant hill?
Have you ever had a laughing fit in church?
I'm never in church.
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
As many licks as it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop.
Have you ever speeded up a vinyl record just to hear squeaky voices?
Ever fallen on a Christmas tree?
Did you ever believe in the boogeyman?
Do you have any scars on your left index finger?
Have you ever examined one of your digits?
Have you ever eaten a jalapenõ pepper for money?
Hahaha. That'd be hot but never.
When was the last time you actually wrote a letter to someone?
It was never.
Have you ever fallen out of a hammock by yourself?
Hammock just gives me bad vibes so I'm never in it.
When was the last time you rubbed the Buddha’s belly?
Gee. No.
Does your clock make noise?
Apart from the tick-tock, no.
Do raisins belong in cookies?
Sure. I love them in my cookies.
How do you like your meat done?
I don't eat meat.
Do you buy those email chains or just delete them as soon as you see them?
I delete it. Those are just retarded.
Which is funnier a mime pretending to be in a box or trapped in a box?
Mime isn't funny at all. In fact, I feel like punching him in the face.
What is the best prank you have ever pulled?
The only prank I've ever done was dialling random numbers and asking to speak to random people and then simply just hang up on the person.
Can you say the alphabet backwards?
I could if I try really hard.
When was the last time you literally slapped yourself?
This afternoon. I couldn't shut myself up. Haha.
Finish the Sentence, Please.
| 5:31 pm
You're out of my mind.
- - -1. My ex:
is a huge mistake.2. I'm listening to:
Walking With a Ghost - Tegan & Sara.3. Maybe I should:
fucking sit, focus and write.4. I love:
cars and guys with tattoos.5. My best friends:
are evilly annoying yet admiringly special in their own ways.6. I don't understand:
math. Life. My family. My family and their secrets.7. I lost:
three kittens to death whose names started with S.8. I'm tired of:
trying to fit in with my father's side of family.9. The meaning of my screen name is:
monster (love); it's tattooed on a certain someone's knuckles.10. Love is:
pain and joy, I think, but what do I know?11. Somewhere, someone is:
causing pain to their loved ones.12. I will always:
take time to warm up to you. Maybe that's why I don't have many friends.13. Forever seems:
like a foolish idea. Nothing ever lasts.14. My cell phone is:
a Razor and I don't want it anymore.15. When I woke up in the morning:
I said, "One more hour."16. I get annoyed when:
I want someone to pay attention to me but doesn't.17. Kisses are the best when:
it happens spontaneously.18. Today I'm:
so in love with the horses in Prince Caspian...and Caspian himself.19. Tonight I will:
most probably drop dead in bed.20. Tomorrow I will:
party like crazy well into the break of dawn because my Dad is going to be out of town for the weekends.21. I really want:
a lot of things that I can't have.22. People say I am:
uptight, too serious and going to go after older guys.
I'm In La-La Love With You...Fool.
Wednesday, 26 November 2008 | 1:21 am
Yeaaah we nasty.
- - -What song are you listening to?
White Walls - Between the Buried and Me.
Why do you like that song?
Because it's BTBAM, fool.
What did your last incoming text message say?
I shall not answer this question.
Look at your received call list. Who is number 5?
I've cleared the list.
Who did you last talk to on aim?
Don't use AIM.
Do you ever wish you were a different race, and if so, what?
Do hobos frighten you?
Not really.
What's the most you have ever spent in the crane toy machines?
I have no fucking clue.
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
By the beach.
How much do you hate G.W. Bush on a scale of 1-10?
Oh, way off the scale. Haha. Nah. Whatever.
When is the last time you were in a hospital?
March, I think. Bastard got in an accident. Again.
Why were you there?
I was family and he's my bro.
What is the most painful piercing you have had?
I've only got my ears pierced. That didn't hurt.
Have you ever cried after one of your favorite sports teams lost a game?
Hahaha. No.
Would you marry a 90-year-old billionaire?
Ew. No.
Have you ever kept a fortune from a Chinese fortune cookie?
Yes. It's in my wallet.
Have you ever told a lover that they were good in bed, when they were not?
Would you jump into a lake to save a stranger?
Mm. No. Bad idea. I can't swim. Haha. So doing so would be retarded. But I'd call for help or do something.
Do you think your life story would make a great movie?
Nah. It wouldn't.
What t.v. show world would you fit right into?
Would you rather be in a room with Michael Jackson or a rattlesnake?
Oh well. Michael Jackson.
Have you ever gone to a bookstore at 12 am to buy the next Harry Potter book?
I don't read Harry Potter books.
Have you ever been so bored that you counted cracks in the walls?
Nope but I've watched lights cast shadows on my ceiling. It's entertaining.
If your eyes could be any color, what color would they be?
Like Andreas'. :)
Do you read while you eat?
Sometimes. That's only because to distract myself from thinking so much about the unnerving silence at the table.
How long does it usually take you to drink a beverage?
Well, I'll let you know once I know.
What did you want to be when you were in kindergarten?
A nurse.
What do you want to be now?
Graphic Designer.
What is your favorite movie, and why?
Black Hawk Down. It's...well, I like war movies.
The Have-You-Evers
Tuesday, 25 November 2008 | 7:17 pm
So pull them toasters out them holsters.
- - -Would you rather have hot tea or hot coffee?:
Mm. Oh, come on! That's just not fair. I love both.
Have you ever been told you were a good writer?:
Yep, by a teacher.
What name do you think is pretty for a girl?:
I like Dahlia for some reason. And Isobel.
If you had to name your daughter after a disney princess, which one?:
Do you think telepathy is real?:
It's hard to believe without proof.
When you were little, did you ever think you would be a magician?:
Nah. Never was interested. Never will.
When did you last draw something for fun?:
Eh...two weeks ago. It was a smiley reaper by Banksy.
What is your opinion on poetry?:
It's thought-provoking, deep and require analysis. Haha. I don't know. I like to ponder on the words. It gives me something to do.
Did you play with Barbies as a kid?:
I never had a Barbie. Honest! I played Lego. That was awesome.
Would you rather go in a hot air balloon or go sky diving?:
Gah! Hot air balloon.
What do you put on your baked potatoes?:
A little of this and that and whatnot.
Homework--would you rather do it on a Friday or Sunday?:
I did my homework on Fridays. Sometimes on Monday itself. Haha.
Will you ever understand hate gangs?:
Can't say.
Do you remember every birthday wish you've ever made?:
I don't wish on birthdays.
What do you want to do right out of high school?:
I'mma draw myself insane! In other words: art.
What is your opinion on Twilight?:
Meh. The book is okay. Not a fan of the movie, though.
What cartoon character did you have a crush on as a kid?:
I didn't have one? Or maybe I forgot.
Did you ever play pretend?:
Why, yes, of course.
How did Team Rocket ALWAYS know where Ash was?:
I have no fucking clue.
Would you say you have a stable, good internet connection?:
My internet connection is the bomb.
At what time of the day do you like to take showers?:
Do you lie on surveys to make yourself seem cooler?:
That's retarded, yo.
Was that a lie?:
No, faggot.
Does the number 27 have any significance to you?:
Nothing. If you asked 3 I'd say yes.
How do you study for tests?:
From notes and textbooks.
Were you ever a tree-climber?:
Do you keep a diary/journal that you update regularly?:
I wouldn't call it a diary/journal but yeah.
Have you ever tried to start a blog?:
Running it.
What video games have you beaten?:
NFS: Most Wanted! Resident Evil 4! Devil May Cry 3!
What is your mom's occupation?:
Data Entry Clerk.
Who makes the most in your entire family?:
Have you ever been on a farm?:
Once. Eep.
Do you like writing essays?:
It was more like a chore but I enjoyed it while it lasted.
Would you ever study abroad?:
In a heartbeat.
If a cosmetology class was offered at your school, would you take it?:
No way.
Have you ever known someone who smoked? Did they stop?:
Everyone is still smoking.
Do you think weed should be legalized? Cigarettes illegalized?:
Bahaha. Either way people will find ways to smoke them.
Would you rather run or ride your bike?:
Ride my bike. I miss riding.
Where do you buy your make up?:
I don't. Ma buys them for me.
What is the last fruit you've eaten? When?:
Pear; weeks ago.
What is the last junk food you've eaten? When?:
Hot dog. Hours ago.
Would you call yourself an environmentalist?:
I wouldn't.
What is more practical: Glue sticks or white, regular glue?:
White is the bomb.
Do you like the purple glue sticks just because they're purple?:
Hahaha. Yes. I bought it for that same reason.
If you could make your lips bigger, would you?:
Do you think plastic surgery is no big deal?:
To some people it's just like another trip to the mall. But, really, it's all up to the individual. I wouldn't get anything done, though.
Ten Random Thoughts
| 3:34 am
- I killed a snail yesterday. It was purely accidental. I didn't see it and someone warned me a little too late. Okay. Maybe not but my reflexes aren't awesome at 5 in the morning. It was awful. I felt awful. The sight was awful.
- I didn't delete my MySpace account after all. I thought I did. My last log in had to be in 2005. That was what my blog entry said. Yeah, that one I did delete. It brought back nasty memories. Heh. I was 15. What did you expect?
- I'm going to delete my Friendster account. Adieu, friends.
- Oh, and I didn't push them away; it's their doing. It's not my fault that they are either a) too short, b) too small, c) too far, d) too confident, e) too forward, and f) too in-your-face. Oh, and that one other dude who thinks he's the hot shit. Ugh.
- I'm sleep-deprived.
- Your job instability is driving me insane.
- And your blog will have to wait. I can only do so much.
- Inspiration, o, inspiration. Where art thou?
- In relation to no. 5; I should've known better than to consume coffee and sugar. Me such a moron.
- Speaking of no. 5, I shall commence HU marathon now.
Hey, Shady, Let's Have a Pillow Fight.
Friday, 21 November 2008 | 6:37 pm

Banksy!Who's the last person you shared a drink with?
I don't share my drinks. Not even with family. I find it...icky.
What do you want for Christmas?
A little something.
What song are you listening to?
"Johnny's here to fuck you up!"
What day of the week is it?
It's Friday. Yay.
How many days does your school get off for Thanksgiving?
What school?
Tell me about a funny conversation you had today:
Nope. Nothing funny.
Do you like Red Bull?
No; too sweet. It'll kill me.
Is it easy for you to get alcohol?
I don't drink but, yeah, I suppose.
When's the last time you could've gotten some ass?
Who's your favorite cousin?
I don't have one.
Have you ever thought about ways to torture someone?
What movie do you hate?
Hmm, a lot.
Do your hands sweat?
When I'm a nervous wreck.
Do you have any nicknames for your best friend?
Dorkface. Hahaha.
What's the last store you went to?
When's the last time you fell off a chair?
Recently. Bastard didn't tell me it was going to dismantle itself soon.
Why are you taking this survey?
Because I'm bored, madafaka.
Is it hot or cold in your house?
It's cold right now.
Do you wish it would snow?
Nah. We don't get snow here.
Speaking of snow, have you ever made a perverted snowman?
Nevah. But I'd surely build one. For fun.
Are you hungry right now?
Not really.
Are you any of your friends sluts?
What other websites are you on besides this one?
Xanga and Fiction Press.
What are you going to eat for lunch tomorrow?
Most likely nothing because I don't usually do lunch.
What was the highlight of your week?
Okay, but what does your best friend call you?
My name. Duh.
Have you ever kissed someone with braces?
Who is the fourth received call on your call log?
I don't know. I've cleared it.
If you could change your eye color what would it be?
See Andreas'.
What is the wallpaper on your phone?
A picture of Junior a week after the operation.
How many pillows on your bed?
Two and whole of bunch of bears.
Who was the last text message you sent to?
Is there someone you can't stop thinking about?
Ah yes. Make that two people.
What was the best thing that happened to you this year?
Nothing worth mentioning.
Do any of your friends annoy you?
Uh huh. Sometimes.
Who/what is the fourth person on your contact list?
Madafaka. Enough with the phone questions already.
When was the last time you cried from laughing so hard?
Last week. I think.
What school did you attend in elementary?
An awesome one.
Who was the last person that made you laugh?
Myself because I consumed sugar before bed and then I got all high and crazy.
Who do you make fun of the most?
That skinny dude with tattoos.
What's the longest you've ever talked on the phone?
Over an hour.
How many 20 dollar bills do you have on you right now?
People took all my monehhh!
Have you seen your best friend cry?
Ah yes. Heartbreaking.
Where did you last go out to eat?
Do you dance in the car?
I don't; limited access. Hahaha.
What do you think of hunting and fishing?
I'm a bit uncomfortable with hunting but yay for fishing!
What is a noise that you cannot stand?
People slurping/munching loudly at the table while eating.
Does your mom vacuum early in the morning, when you're sleeping?
Nah. She doesn't do that.
Are your parents in love?
I absolutely have no idea.
Where did you get your last bruise?
My knee. Fuck you, Satan.
Would you rather sleep at a friend's or have them over?
Sleep at a friend's.
Who is in your house right now?
Have you ever thought you were gonna die?
How do you like your steak?
I don't like steak. Period.
What do you smell like right now?
Cigarette smoke.
Do you have a hard time admitting you're wrong?
I don't know. Maybe?
Who was the last person you held hands with?
What shoes did you wear today?
I didn't go out.
What makes you lose your appetite?
Small things that upset me.
What color is your laundry basket?
Does your mom make you wear a winter coat?
Nah; not necessary.
Does it contain fur?
Do you own any Hollister polos?
Do you think those stores are too expensive?
Fuck yeah.
Where do you shop the most for clothes?
I kind of shop everywhere.
Ever shop at a thrift store?
I don't think so.
What‘s your favorite piece of clothing?
I have a few.
Can you go on MySpace from school or work?
Do your parents have a MySpace account?
Have your parents seen your MySpace page?
Whats your favorite season?
Whats your favorite number?
Do you get along with your parents?
What are you listening to?
Press 7.
What are your favorite color(s)?
Burgundy. Black. White.
Have you ever been in love?
Have you ever thought that ur life was so bad you just wanted to give up?
Do you have any tattoos?
How many piercings do you have?
Two. Ahem.
Benefit Friends and Relationships Don't Mix
Wednesday, 19 November 2008 | 6:39 pm
"Who's gonna do the heart transplant?"
Hahaha. There's nothing funnier than watching two grown men amusing themselves in a hopsital.
- - -One. Imagine your most recent ex had a child. What would your first reaction be after hearing about it?
I wouldn't care.
Two. Describe your most recent purchase.
I bought a Mexican sandwich today.
Three. Did you enjoy the last movie you watched in theatres?
Yeah. I was only there for the blood.
Four. If you make surveys, where's the last place you saw a survey made by you on another person's site?
I don't.
Five. Do you take the subway train often (if your city has one)?
The train gets me to places.
Six. What shoes did you wear today?
I wore flip flops.
Seven. Who was the last person to leave you a comment on Facebook?
I don't have a Facebook. Gee.
Eight. Does your sibling have a significant other?
I'm not sure actually.
Nine. When and why is the last time you cried (or at least, shed tears)?
Um, I laughed myself to tears last week.
Ten. Have you ever cried at a real wedding?
Blah. No.
Eleven. How would you feel if a girl asked your boyfriend out for a drink?
I wouldn't know.
Twelve. Do you live in an apartment or a house?
Thirteen. Do you use Skype?
Fourteen. What do your flip-flops look like?
Like the usual ones.
Fifteen. What brand of makeup do you have?
Red Earth and a whole other bunch I don't bother to remember.
Sixteen. Any idea what you want for your next birthday?
Seventeen. Describe a poster on your wall.
Don't have one.
Eighteen. Are there any gadgets of yours that need charging right now?
My MP4.
Nineteen.What's the name of your nearest grocery store?
7-11. Is that considered one? Meh.
Twenty. What do you use to remove makeup?
Um, it's a Baby Johnson's product. It's my Ma's.
Twentyone. you have articles of clothing that are leopard print?
No. I wouldn't wear a leopard print. Or any animal's print for that matter.
Twentytwo. Tilt your head up and look straight ahead. Describe what you see.
Twentythree. Which awards show would you wanna go to the most (e.g Oscars, Grammys etc.)?
Twentyfour. Any idea what time you'll be going to bed tonight?
Probably 6 when everyone else is waking up.
Twentyfive. Do you think George Clooney is hot?
Twentyfive. Name some models you think are hot.
Giselle Bundchen. Hahaha.
Twentysix. Have you ever participated in local magazine cover girl searches?
Twentyseven. Have you ever bought a lottery ticket (and even better: won?)
Twentyeight.What colour is your keyboard?
Twentynine. Do you keep the plastic/paper/whatever bags after you buy stuff?
Always do.
Thirty. Do you own any high-waisted pants?
Thirtyone. What's the craziest thing you'll ever do to your hair?
Dye it an unnatural color. That's just about the craziest thing I'll do. I love my hair.
Thirtytwo. Do you know anyone who has two different-coloured eyes?
Thirtythree. Don't teeny boppers just annoy you?
Uh huh.
Thirtyfour. Hilary Duff.Then or now?
Thirtyfive.Does your significant other like the same colour as you do?
Gee. I don't know.
Thirtysix. What do you think of the girl band Danity Kane?
Thirtyseven. Do you think it's too easy to get famous nowadays?
Kind of.
Thirtyeight. Do you wanna be a pirate or an elf?
Well, given the two I'll be an elf.
Thirtynine. Have you ever purchased anything online?
Forty. What's your favourite classic Disney movie (no, Camp Rock doesn't count)?
Classic...oh, Beauty and the Beast!
Fortyone. Gold or silver accessories?
Silver, please.
Fortytwo. Everyone should just leave people like Miley Cyrus and Jamie Lynn Spears alone, right?
Enough with these people already.
Fortythree. Would you have minded living in the 18th century?
Fortyfour. Have you ever been called a skank/slut because of the way you dress?
Fortyfive. Name all your friends whose name starts with the 4th letter of your first name. AMANDA
Fortysix.What websites do you absolutely have to visit daily (or at least, everytime you get to go online)?
Fiction Press.
Fortyseven. Have you ever ridden an elephant?
Nope. I've ridden a horse!
Fortyeight.Where did you get that outfit you're wearing now?
A store.
Fortynine. Are you a fan of acrylic nails?
Meh. No.
Fifty. Last question. How was this survey?
70 Odd! Questions
Sunday, 16 November 2008 | 2:36 am
Everything was perfect 'til the train went right off the rail.
- - -What is your middle name?
Starts with the letter N.
What color is your mailbox?
Are you single?
Uh huh.
Have you ever hit a deer?
Nope. I'd probably die if I ever did.
Do you have to drive over a bridge to get home?
What color is your room?
Purple. I'm not feeling it anymore. Ha ha.
Do you have a small driveway?
Nope. We do have a parking lot, though.
Do you know anyone with the same ringtone as you?
I'm not using any.
What do you do first in the morning?
Roll over to see what time it is.
What brand is your printer?
Hewlett Packard.
Do you enjoy fighting with people?
Dude, no.
Is your hair naturally straight or curly?
It's a mixture of both actually.
Who was your kindergarten teacher?
I had two so...well, I can't remember who.
What is your ringtone?
I don't have one.
Are you taller than your mom?
Uh huh. She's the shortest in the family. Yay.
What curse word do you say the most when your pissed?
Are you God?
You're crazy.
Do you like someone?
Maybe. Well, yes.
Do you enjoy writing in colored pens?
Only in black and blue ink.
Does anything hurt on your body right now?
Not really.
Do you often cry during a movie?
Last phone call you received?
Last text message?
Do you hate your life?
Oh, it's awesome.
Do you get mad easily?
What is your biggest pet peeve?
I can't decide.
Are you cold?
Do any of your friends have kids?
Sigh. No.
Do you know anyone that is pregnant right now?
No one.
Who should pay on the first date?
The gentleman.
How many years older than you are you willing to date?
Ah, I don't know. Come what may.
Do you have any friends?
Why, of course.
Do you have any mean friends?
I don't befriend mean people.
What is the ugliest color to wear in your opinion?
All is nice.
Have you ever liked someone who all your friends hate?
Ha ha. Nope.
Have you ever felt like driving off a cliff, seriously?
Seriously, no.
Have you ever contemplated suicide?
Do you scratch your ears?
I rub the back of my ears - only when I'm nervous.
Who was the last person to hug you?
Had to be Ma.
What brand are the pant/jeans you're wearing right now?
No brand.
How tall are you?
What is the closest green object?
Ah, my bottle of green tea!
If you were born the opposite sex, what would your parents name you?
I have no idea.
Do you want to have kids?
What is the brightest color you're wearing?
Who is the friend you have that you would never have expected to have?
Who do you hate the most right now?
What kind of car do you want?
An Aston Martin DB9.
What is your favorite video game?
NFS Most Wanted.
Do you like your dad?
...yes? No? Maybe?
Do you have any TV shows on DVD?
Are you wearing make-up?
Do you have a tattoo?
I don't.
Have you ever broken a pinata?
What time is it right now?
3 AM.
Do you know how to draw?
Who loves orange soda?
Who did you last IM?
Do you work a lot of hours?
I don't work.
Where were you in the last 24 hours?
Who was the last person that called you?
Is there anything you regret?
I suppose but we all learn to move on.
Do you know where your family name originated from?
Is there an animal that creeps you out?
None that I can think of.
What is your favorite color ON A CAR?
Ooh, candy red. It reminds me of cherry. And it looks delicious. I want to lick it.
Do you use digital or film cameras?
Do you own an iPod?
Have you ever been on a charter bus?
I think so.
Do you like going to water parks?
Another, another, b!
Thursday, 13 November 2008 | 8:01 pm
What is done in vain, truth is hard to swallow.
- - -1. What color is your toothbrush?
White and purple.
2. Name one person that made you smile today?
3. What were you doing at 8 am this morning?
I was still in bed.
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
Ugh. Making sure the pasta didn't overboil.
5. What is your favorite chocolate bar?
6. Have you ever been to a strip club?
Ha ha. No. I have no reason to be there.
7. What is the last thing you said aloud?
"Why, motherfucker!"
8. What is the best ice cream flavor?
Coffee! I love coffee in all sorts of form.
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Plain water.
10. What was the last thing you had to eat?
A piece of macaroni. Ha ha.
12. Have you bought any new clothing items this week?
13. The last sporting event you watched?
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
I've only been eating the butter-flavored one.
15. Who is the last person you sent a message on myspace?
I don't go on MySpace.
16. Ever go camping?
Yeah, when I was 11.
17. Do you take vitamins daily?
Nah. I don't need them.
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?
I don't.
19. Do you have a tan?
20. Do you like Chinese food over pizza?
I like pizza over Chinese food.
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?
Usually I just drink it straight out from the can - or bottle.
22. What did your last text message say?
"Yes, then you boil it." Ha ha.
23. What are you doing tomorrow?
Nothing exciting.
25. Look to your left, what do you see?
Closed bedroom doors.
26. What color is your watch?
I don't wear a watch.
27. what do you think of when you hear Australia?
Kangaroos. Ha ha.
28. What is your birthstone?
29. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?
Go in.
30. What is your favorite number?
31. Who's the last person you talked to on the phone?
32. Any plans today?
It's night already.
33. How many states have you lived in?
I don't live in the states.
34. Biggest annoyance right now?
Pop-up ads.
35. Last song listened to?
Ah, one of Cobra Starship's. Prostitution Is the blah blah blah. Yeah, that one.
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
That could take a while and then I would give up.
37. Do you have a maid service clean your house?
38. Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time?
39. Are you jealous of anyone?
40. Is anyone jealous of you?
I have no idea.
41. Do you love anyone?
42. Do any of your friends have children?
Ha ha. Nope.
43. What do you usually do during the day?
Chores. Write. HU marathon. Scream. Feed the cats.
44. Do you hate anyone that you know right now?
45. Do you use the word "hello" daily?
46. What color is your car?
Don't have one.
47. Do you like cats?
I love them.
49. Have you ever been to Six Flags?
50. How did you get your worst scar?
The CD tray did it.
imma shuffle you crazy
Tuesday, 11 November 2008 | 1:15 am
You make me wanna run around pulling my guns out and shit.
- - -
1. How am I feeling today?
Shuffle says: Dreamer.
2. Where will I get married?
Shuffle says: City.
3. What is my best friend's theme song?
Shuffle says: She Wolf.
4. What was high school like?
Shuffle says: Poison Kiss.
5. What is the best thing about me?
Shuffle says: Moving for the Sake of Motion.
6. How is today going to be?
Shuffle says: Air Dry.
7. What is in store for this weekend?
Shuffle says: Rock Star.
8. What song describes my parents?
Shuffle says: Fire.
9. How is my life going?
Shuffle says: Hollyhood Vacation.
10. What song will they play at my funeral?
Shuffle says: Brianstorm.
11. How does the world see me?
Shuffle says: Angel.
12. What do my friends really think of me?
Shuffle says: You're So Damn Hot.
13. Do people secretly lust after me?
Shuffle says: Resolve.
14. How can I make myself happy?
Shuffle says: Forgive Me.
15. What should I do with my life?
Shuffle says: CrushCrushCrush.
16. Will I ever have children?
Shuffle says: Turn Off the Lights.
17. What is some good advice?
Shuffle says: Leave Me Alone.
18. What do I think my current theme song is?
Shuffle says: Three Cheers for Five Years.
19. What does everyone else think about my current life?
Shuffle says: Orange County Blonde and Blue.
20. What type of women/men do you like?
Shuffle says: The Beloved and the Hatred.
21. Will you get married?
Shuffle says: Hallelujah.
22. What should I do with my love life?
Shuffle says: Bottle and a Gun.
23. Where will you live?
Shuffle says: Moving to New York.
24. What will your dying words be?
Shuffle says: Endings Without Stories.
25. When I meet a guy/girl for the first time I say...
Shuffle says: Coconut Juice.
26. When my parents are angry I say...
Shuffle says: Thunder
Problems Will Interfere
Saturday, 8 November 2008 | 10:43 pm
Your parents tell you they're going to split up, how would you react?
I've played it out in my head and I think I'd say nothing and accept it as it is.
Ever kissed your number 2 on myspace ?
I don't remember who's my number 2.
Your number 7 on your top friends die , are you upset ?
I don't know if I have a 7.
Is your sister a slut ?
She's a textbook slut.
Everyone deserves a second chance right ?
Sure but it really depends.
What were you doing 15 minutes ago ?
Do you like anyone?
Jeff but he doesn't count.
What are you looking forward to in the next month?
Um, Christmas. I'm going downtown for the lights.
Have you ever liked someone that treated you badly ?
When was the last time you got flowers ?
Has anyone ever seen you in your underwear ?
Sure, when I was a baby.
Is there a member of the opposite sex on your mind ?
Anything you wish you could tell someone but can't ?
Do you still see the person who hurt you most?
How's this week been ?
Uneventful. Slow. Tiresome.
Ever kissed someone with a name starting with J?
Fuck that.
Last person you hung out one on one with?
Dorky, I think.
Last awkward moment?
Not knowing exactly how to react to a friend's confession.
Have you been pressured to do anything lately?
Are you typically a jealous person?
Not typically but I can be.
Do you know anyone that smokes ?
Of course.
When was the last time you dreamt of someone that wasn't you ?
I'm always in my dreams somehow.
Describe how you got places today ?
I didn't go out today.
Do you have any secrets you want to tell me ?
They wouldn't be secrets anymore if I told you.
Name one person you would like to stab?
My neighbor.
Questions Never Been Asked, You Say?
Friday, 7 November 2008 | 9:43 pm
1. First thing you wash in the shower?
2. What color is your favorite hoodie?
3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Out of the question.
4.Do you plan outfits ?
Not really. I just throw everything on and then decide if it's okay.
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now?
Lightheaded. Fuzzy. Intoxicated.
6. Who was the first person you thought about this morning?
Um, Gabe because I woke up with him stuck in my head singing
And you're the kind of girl I'd take home to mom; if my momma was dead. Yeah.
7. Do you say aim or a-i-m?
The latter.
8. Tell me about the last dream you remember having last night?
I'd rather not tell you.
9. What difficulty are you on in Guitar Hero?
I don't play Guitar Hero.
10. What are you craving right now?
Cherry - lots of them. No. Make that baskets and baskets of them.
11. Do you floss?
12. What comes to mind when I say cabbage?
Crunchy. Fresh. Coleslaw. Yum.
13. Have you ever written a survey?
No. I don't make it; I take it.
14. How many friends do you have on MySpace?
15. Would you dance to the taco song?
16. Have you ever counted to 1,000?
Never. I don't think so.
17. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?
Licking it gets my mind off of things. It's good for my soul.
18. What did you do for your last birthday?
Had a movie marathon. Sat at the swing. Talked shit with my two favorite people on earth.
19. What do you think of crickets?
20. Have you ever met a celebrity?
They're still people; no big deal.
21. Do you like cottage cheese?
22. What are you listening to right now?
Take It Home - The White Tie Affair.
23. What are your favorite songs?
Oh, too many to list down.
24. Are your parents strict?
They're reasonable people, I suppose but hell, it's just a facial piercing; I'm not asking to be permanently inked!
25. Would you go sky diving?
I'm afraid of heights. So no.
26. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush?
I'd so pass.
27. Would you throw potatoes at him?
No. Why waste food on him? Throw knives. Plant ammo in him.
28. Is there anything sparkly in the room you're in?
Of course.
29. Do you own any stuffed animals?
They're sitting on my bed.
30. Do you rent movies often?
31. Who sits behind you in your math class?
The door sat behind me in math class.
32. Do you play any instruments?
I wish I did.
33. What's your favorite instrument?
It's a tie between the violin and piano.
34. Can you count backwards from 74?
Of course.
35. Who are you going to be with tonight?
My thoughts.
37. Do you have any cousins?
Duh. And the very annoying ones, too.
38. Ever been on a train?
Many times. I just rode the train today.
39. Ever told someone you loved them?
Uh huh.
40. Do you have a cell phone?
41. Where is it?
On my Arts shelf.
42. What service do you have?
Oh, the star which happens to be a hub.
43. What is your best friend doing tomorrow?
She's going to travel to the other end of the country to do a project. Yeah.
44. Ever have cream puffs?
Yep and I won't mind not ever having them again.
45. Ever had Breaded Shrimp?
46. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect?
Heard of it but never seen it.
47. What was the last question you asked?
Boys really do like sparkly things?
49. Boys or girls?
50. What is your bus number for school?
51. Is your hair curly?
52. Last time you cried?
Hmm. Can't remember.
53. Ever walked into a wall?
Never. I've walked into a furniture, though.
54. Ever walked UP a wall?
55. Have you ever bought anything from PacSun?
56. Favorite store?
57. Favorite time of the year?
I just love it when December comes.
58. Favorite color(s)?
Black. Burgundy. Plum.
60. Do you have any tattoos?
62. Do you sleep with the TV on?
63. Where was your default picture taken at?
64. Why was your default picture taken?
It wasn't.
65. Do you like your life right now?
Not really but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
66. How do you feel about 'love'?
67. What is your favorite animal?
If I really had to pick one then it's a wolf.
68. Would you bang that animal?
Uhhh...ah. Wow.
69. Do you have good vision?
70. Can you hula hoop?
Hah. I can't. It'd go around once and then drops to the floor.
71. Could you ever forgive a cheater?
It depends.
72. Do you have a job?
Shuffle Me Crazy!
Saturday, 1 November 2008 | 10:00 am
1. Shuffle your iPod/MP3 player/iTunes/Whatever else you have.
2. Answer the questions by the song title that comes up.
3. Don't cheat!
[One] What is your life going to be like in five years?
Song: Trainwreck Orchestra
Comments: Wow. Can I minus the trainwreck and take the orchestra?
[Two] How is your love life going for you right now?
Song: Guilty Pleasure
Comments: Okay, Gabe.
[Three] What pisses you off the most about the opposite sex?
Song: Ten Cent Blues
Comments: Meh.
[Four] What do your parents really think of you?
Song: Undead
Comments: Hahaha. I'm undead, all right.
[Five] What do you think about the world and its current state?
Song: Crush
Comments: Crush. Crushing. Crushed.
[Six] What is the worst thing that's ever happened to you?
Song: Saying Sorry
Comments: So untrue.
[Seven] What will your first/next time having sex be like?
Song: Existentialism On Prom Night
Comments: Right.
[Eight] What is your main goal in life?
Song: I Don't Care
Comments: Oh, I do so care. I just don't know it yet.
[Nine] What do the girls at your school think of your looks?
Song: Dead and Gone
Comments: Hahaha. Too bad.
[Ten] What do you really want in life?
Song: The Great Escape.
Comments: Word.
[Eleven] How are you going to get far in life?
Song: Lead Sails (and A Paper Anchor)
Comments: I doubt it.
[Twelve] What should they say when you're in a bad mood?
Song: Orange County Blonde and Blue.
Comments: Huh. Interesting.
[Thirteen] What about when you are really happy?
Song: You and I Misbehaving
Comments: Sure. Let's.
[Fourteen] What do think of yourself in general?
Song: Spring and by Summer Fall
Comments: Meh.
[Fifteen] What is your life's theme song?
Song: Diamond Life
Comments: Hahaha. Cool!
[Sixteen] What are you going to do this weekend?
Song: Deuce Dot Com
Comments: Uhhh...ah. Hahaha. I'd pass.
[Seventeen] How can you try and make yourself happy?
Song: Trashed and Scattered.
Comments: Haha. I get shitfaced, man.
[Eighteen] What song will they play at your wedding?
Song: Not A Love Song
Comments: Definitely. They will
not play a love song at my wedding.
[Nineteen] What about your funeral?
Song: Almost Lover
Comments: Meh. Whatever. It fits the mood.
[Twenty] What or who makes you the most happy?
Song: Hollywood.
Comments: Yes!
[Twenty One] What am I even doing on this Earth?
Song: Intermezzo Liberte
Comments: How rewarding.
[Twenty Two] How am I going to die?
Song: Cookie Jar
Comments: Hahaha! The cookie jar is going to kill me.
[Twenty Three] What is some good advice?
Song: I See the Falling Sky
Comments: That's some good but completely incomprehensible advice.
[Twenty Four] What's some advice you'd never take?
Song: This Love, This Hate
Comments: Okay.
[Twenty Five] Will you ever have children?
Song: Live Your Life
Comments: ...yes? No?
[Twenty Six] What is high school like for you or what will it be like?
Song: Decoy
Comments: Fuck. It was a decoy.
[Twenty Seven] How are you feeling today?
Song: You Know I'm No Good
Comments: Yep. I feel no good at all.
[Twenty Eight] What's your general outlook on life?
Song: Miss Sobriety
Comments: Uhhh...
[Twenty Nine] What are your last words going to be?
Song: Leave Me Alone
Comments: Wow, already dying and still being mean, too?
[Thirty] What song is going to be stuck in your head all day?
Song: Bonfire
Comments: Hahaha. Yes. Let's have a bonfire!