
Zee. 22. Singapore. Fine Art student. Procrastinator. Occasional insomniac. My favourite kind of gifts come in the form of books. Writing keeps me sane. Art keeps me busy. Music is universal. Europe is the place to be.

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Template by Elle @ satellit-e.bs.com
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Wednesday, 27 June 2007 | 11:21 pm

If I were a doll, the accessories packaged with me would be:
A book, a laptop, a violin and a cat.

I have an irrational fear of:
Flying insects. Yes, I fear them.

What type of food do you eat at your grandparents house?
Some scrumptious traditional food.

What weight were you when you were born?
3490 gm.

What would you do if you were stranded on an island with the person you hate most?
Well, that's easy. I'll be irrational and blame him for what has happened because we all know it's easier to blame everyone else but yourself when life throws shit in your face.

What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on?
I'd break up with him of course.

Do you stalk anyone on myspace?
No because I've got better things to do in my life.

I find the thought of childbirth:
Beautiful...but well, downright scary at the same time.

Next door to my house is:
An annoying neighbour.

My feet are:
Just nice.

My preferred style of jeans is:
Straight cut, I suppose.

Why is your #1 your #1?
She's my mother and it's called maternity love. I can't put anything/anyone before her.

I know how to cook:
Quite a lot.

I am annoyed with:
Pesky, inconsiderate, infuriating, selfish, arrogant people.

Men should always:
Learn to listen.

Women should never:
Let the men be in charge.

What do you think is the worst way to be dumped?
Saying it in a long, sappy, break up letter; I don't have the time.

What child-related smell do you not like?
I don't know but they have this one certain smell that I just can't describe. It'll make me go, oh, there's a kid somewhere.

What sea creature scares you?
Every living thing in the sea.

What color hair do most of the people you are around have?

What object have you broken most recently?
An egg.

Name one of the Spice Girls?

What was the last thing to make you cry?
A video that constantly reminds me of my father. It's like as if, saying that what he's doing is for my own good and that I'm hurting him and myself for not wanting to oblige and then I'd look back to this day and know how regretful I'm going to be.

What are the stems on wine glasses for:
So they sit up higher.

My favorite shoes are:

Can you use chopsticks?
Not really that good at it but yes.

Do you prefer beaches or forests?
Beaches are better than forests.

What serial killer do you find most disturbing?
Well, maybe she's a serial killer, I don't know but she's disturbing enough - Mary Bell.

Who knows a secret or two about you?
No one.

What is it you most dislike?

Have you ever burned yourself?

What's crazy to you?
The fact that we're not doing anything much to help the less fortunate.

Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now?
I don't know, could be anyone.

Who is your hero[s]?
I don't have one.

Do you tell white lies?

When is your next party?
I don't party.

Who do you want to be with right now?
No one.

How do you handle a break up?
I don't.

Do you know what you will wear tomorrow?
My school uniform. Hah.

Last person to make you laugh?

How many piercings or tattoos do you plan on getting this year?

Do daddy long legs freak you out?

Where is your sister right now?
In the living room.

Do you believe in things that last forever?

What are you listening to?

What do you smell like?
Burberry Brit.

Are you married?
Of course not.

Does anyone regularly tell you they love you?

What's the most confusing to you?

Do you have any bad habits?
A few.

Have you ever wanted to be a teacher?
Yeah, and that was when I was 9 but not anymore.

What is one thing you've learned about life?
It's not fair and it's tough surviving it.

Whats your favorite color?

Ever been stuck in an elevator?
No, thank God. I'll get claustrophobic.

Has anyone told you that they like you more than a friend?

What are you looking forward to?
Graduation, I suppose; can't wait to get it done and over with.

How are you today?
I'm terrible, thanks.

Wednesday, 20 June 2007 | 8:40 pm

Music: Eisley - "My Lovely"
Feeling: Like I've been drugged.

♥ School Subject Survey ♥

01. What year were you born?

02. What is your earliest memory?
I remember drawing a figure with three fingers.

03. Do you have a good memory?
I'd say that I do.

04. What were some of your favourite things about your childhood?
Playing lego on my own; my other two siblings weren't anywhere near.

05. What was the worst thing that happened to you when you were little?
My finger got snap by a bedroom door. My bones didn't break but my skin got torn. So it bled - bad.

06. What about the best?
There was this one incident where someone went missing and was last seen playing by the big trees and bushes in front of my house. Then one week later, he was found unconscious. People said it was supernatural-related and I know this might sound odd or cruel but actually that was the best thing for me. Also, we've got some serious whacko as our neighbor who keeps goblins.

07. Do you ever look through old family photographs just for fun?
When there isn't anything better to do.

08. Who was your first ever best friend?

09. Did you lose any close ones growing up?
Yep and that was hard.

010. Over all, do you feel you had a good childhood?
Yeah, I sure did.


01. Whereabouts in the world are you?

02. Have you always lived in the same place?
Yep, I've always been living in the same town.

03. Do you live in the city or the country?
Near the city.

04. What do you like most about your hometown?
The Esplanade.

05. What do you hate most about your hometown?
It's, well, bland and small.

06. What is your hometown most famous for?
The Merlion statue.

07. How many different houses have you lived in?
So far, three.

08. Are you southern or northern?
I'm on the south right now.

010. Do you plan to move abroad when you are older?
Maybe, maybe not.

Religious & Education

01. Are you religious at all?

02. If not, would you say you were agnostic?
I wouldn't say I'm agnostic.

03. Do you believe in anything?
Yes, indeed, I do.

04. Do you believe that Jesus actually existed once?
I don't know and I don't care.

05. Did you ever star in a nativity play - if so, what were you?
I never.

06. Does your family actually own a bible?
There's a holy book my father keeps.

07. If you are not religious, do you appreciate religion at all or do you think it’s all a load of nonsense fabricated by man?
I do appreciate religion.

08. Do you believe in the afterlife?
Yes. I mean, you've got go somewhere after you die.

09. Do you believe in ghosts?
Yes, that I do.

010. What is your opinion on heaven and hell?
It's a balance/opposite thing. Just like black and white, day and night, good and evil.

English Language & Literature

01. What is your favourite book?
New Moon.

02. What is the worst book you have ever read/been forced to read?
Not one because I love reading books.

03. Name some great authors.
Gregory Galloway and Stephenie Meyer.

04. Do you have a good command of the English language?
My essays prove that I do.

05. Do you think that your vocabulary is wide?
Not quite wide. There's always room for improvement.

06. Are you a grammar Nazi?

07. How good are you at spelling?

08. Do you ever write stories or poetry?
I write a lot of stories and not one is ever completed.

09. What do you think of slang?
It's all right though it gets kind of annoying.

010. How often do you use a dictionary/thesaurus?

01. How healthy do you think you are?
Not that healthy.

02. Have you ever broken a bone?
Nope but I'd like to know how it really feels.

03. Do you like to experiment with weird things?
It depends on how weird that thing is.

04. Have you ever dissected a dead animal?
Nope. All we ever did was study the cells of our inside cheeks and onion's cell sap. Pathetic, I know. I want to dissect real animal...or insect. Frog will do.

05. How much do you care about how your body wor
As long as it works normally, then I'm not worried.

06. Do you think you use too much electricity?
Nope. In fact, I think I'm the only one in the house trying to reduce the usage of electricity. These people just forget about switching off.

07. Have you ever had any mental problems?
Well, not serious mental problems but I was once depressed and stressed. Therapy didn't do much help. Oh, and I get really disturbed when the tables aren't straight, books aren't correctly aligned, crumpled paper, dirty page. Everything needs to be tidy, organized, arranged and perfected.

08. If you had the opportunity to visit the moon, would you?
Oh, yes, please. That'd be one hell of an experience.

09. What is your favourite planet?
I like Saturn. : )

01. Are you energetic?
No, not really.

02. Do you play any sports?
Nah. I'm not really into sports.

03. What is your favourite?
Basketball is all right.

04. Least favourite?

05. Do you play on any teams?
Not anymore.

06. Do you watch sports on TV?

07. How much do you exercise?
Not much.

08. What is the longest you have ever run?
2.4 km and that's just because it's part of the physical test.

09. Football or Rugby?

010. Netball or basketball?


01. How old will you be in seven years?

02. What year will it be when you turn fifty?
2040. Sheesh.

03. How old were you twelve years ago?.

04. How old is your mum?

05. How old is your dad?

06. How many boyfriends have you had?

07. What time will it be in two hours and a half?
2:04 AM.

08. What is your house number?
We use unit numbers here.

09. Your age multiplied by three?
51. Gah!
010. What is your favourite number?

Thursday, 7 June 2007 | 1:14 am

Music: "Don't Speak (Acoustic)" - No Doubt
Feeling: Sleepy

[ + - Your Ideal House Survey - + ]
© DarkestStar_Surveys [do not remove please].

01. If you could build your own house, what would be the style?
I would like it to be a mansion.

02. Where would you have it built?
In a city.

03. Any particular country?:
Somewhere in Europe. Hah.

04. Why would you want to build there?:
I don't really know. I have this weird attraction to it. I love it, actually.

05. Would it have period features or would you make it all modern?:
A little of period features to give that historic feel to the house but mainly modern.

06. Do you like DIY?:
Not really but sometimes it's good for you to do certain things yourself.

07. So would you hire someone to decorate and furnish it or do it all yourself [with help from friends/family etc]?:
Since it's my dream house, I'm going to do it all by myself without any help.

08. Would the decoration follow any particular theme?:
Maybe for certain rooms in the house.

09. What kind of materials would you use for the exterior? I.E, wood, brick, glass, sandstone, etc?:
A little of glass but mainly sandstone.

010. Would you be interested in having wooden beams throughout your home to make it appear older?:
No thanks. I don't like wooden beams.

011. What is your favourite time period for buildings?:
The gothic look, I guess.

012. Would you like to have a large garden?:
Sure, why not. Makes it more...lively.

013. What about its own park?:
Oh yes, I like the sound of that.

014. Bold the random things you would like for the exterior garden:

A Lake/River.
View of the sea.
A Gardener.
Horse Stables.

A huge driveway.
Swimming pool.
Outside furniture.
Built in Barbeque.
Random animals.
Parking spaces for more than 2 vehicles.

015. What kind of windows would you have? I.E; Georgian, stained glass, modern plastic, etc?:
French windows.

016. What colour would the front door be?:

017. Bold the random rooms you would like in your ideal home.

More than 4 bedrooms.
All ensuite bedrooms.
A large kitchen/diner.
Breakfast room.

Indoor swimming pool.
Indoor jacuzzi.
Home cinema.
Home sauna.
Games room.
Dining room.

Large living-area.
Utility room.
Other reception rooms.
Music room.
Your own wing.
Car showroom.
Dressing room.
More than 3 bathrooms.

018. Who would be living with you in your self-designed new home?:
My former family and my own family.

019. Would you employ a cook, cleaner etc?:
Just the cleaner to help me with it.

020. Would you hold parties/dinners etc?:
With a house that big, it's just crazy to not do so.

021. Would you have a theme for each room?:
Not each room but certain rooms.

022. What colours would you use?:
Nice, soothing, rich colors.

023. What would your bedroom be like?:
Huge and royal-like.

024. How much do you think your house would be worth?:
Who cares? All I know it's not for SALE.

© DarkestStar_Surveys [do not remove please].

Monday, 4 June 2007 | 7:05 pm

Music: "Santa Maria" - Gotan Project
Feeling: Pessimistic

• Are you available?: Yes but I'm making myself unavailable.
• What is your age?: Seventeen.
• What annoys you?: People who eats loudly.

• Do you know anyone named Billy?: Not personally but yeah.
• When is your birthday?: 13 January.
• Who is your best friend?: Emotality.

• What's your favorite candy?: Skittles.
• Crush?: The age gap is a disturbing issue.
• When was the last time you cried?: Last week. So not worth my tears.

• Do you daydream?: At times.
• What's your favorite kind of dog?: I don't have one.
• What day of the week is it?: Monday.

• How do you like your eggs?: Scrambled; half-cooked.
• Have you ever been in the emergency room?: Uh yes. Bad incident.
• Ever pet an elephant?: No but I'd love to.

• Do you use fly swatters?: Nope.
• Have you ever used a foghorn?: I don't see any reason why I should.
• Is there a fan in your room?: One attached to the ceiling.

• Do you chew gum?: Yes.
• Do you like gummy candies?: I love them!
• Do you like gory movies?: Oh, yes.

• How are you?: Just peachy.
• What's your height?: 5' 9"
• What color is your hair?: Blackish-brown.

• Whats your favorite ice cream?: Chocolate flavored.
• Have you ever ice skated?: Nope but I'd love to.
• Ever been in an igloo?: I'd have been if I wasn't too claustrophobic at the time.

• What's your favorite Jelly Bean?: None.
• Have you ever heard a really hilarious joke?: Not really.
• Do you wear jewelry?: Yeah.

• Who do you want to kill?: I've killed everyone I hate in my head.
• Have you ever flown a kite?: Yep but the memory seems so far away.
• Do you think kangaroos are cute?: Yeah. They are cute.

• Are you laidback?: Not really. I'm almost uptight and serious. My teacher pointed that one out to me. She said "you need to ease up".
• Lions or tigers?: White tigers, please.
• Do you like black licorice?: I've no idea what that is.

• Favorite movie as a kid? I forgot the title.
• Ever shopped at Moosejaw?: Where exactly it is located at?
• Favorite store at the mall?: I don't really like the mall.

• Do you have a nickname?: Yep.
• Whats your favorite number? 13.
• Do you prefer night or day?: Definitely night. It seems so serene.

• What's your one wish?: Own many cars.
• Are you an only child?: Older brother and younger sister. They drive me crazy.
• Do you like the color orange?: It's okay.

• What are you most paranoid about?: Just about everything, I guess.
• Piercings?: I'd want to get one on the face. How's that?
• Do you know anyone named Penelope?: Not personally but yeah.

• Are you quick to judge people?: I try to be less judgmental.
• Do you like Quaker Oats?: No.
• Know anyone that makes quilts?: Nope.

• Do you think you're always right?: Not always.
• Do you watch reality TV?: Nope.
• Reason to cry?: When something affects you deeply.
• Do you prefer sun or rain?: Rain all the way.
• Do you like snow?: I LOVE snow.
• Whats your favorite season?: Winter.

• What time is it?: 12:19 AM
• What time did you wake up?: 07:00 AM
• Tattoos?: None.

• Can you ride a unicycle?: No.
• Do you know anyone with a unibrow?: No.
• How many uncles do you have?: Too many to count, believe me. You'd go nuts just trying to remember which is which.

• What’s the worst vegetable?: None. All is nice.
• Did you ever watch Veggie Tales?: Nope.
• Ever considered being vegan?: I need to have chicken.

• What's your worst habit?: Procrastinating.
• Do you like water rides?: Nope.
• Ever been inside a windmill?: Nope.

• Have you ever had an x-ray?: Once.
• Do you own a xylophone?: Nope.
• Ever used a Xerox machine?: Nope.

• Do you like the color yellow?: It's too bright and cheery.
• What year were you born in?: 1990.
• Do you yell when you're angry?: Yes. I even throw things.

• Do you believe in the zodiac?: Partly.
• What's your zodiac sign?: Capricorn.
• When was the last time you went to the zoo?: Oh, wow, that was like decades ago.